Long Post Warning…

Long Post Warning…

Long Post Warning…

So I feel the need to introduce a move that allows players to create contacts/NPCs. The concept is heavily inspired by Burning Wheel’s Circles.  Here’s my current concept, which I would appreciate some help with:

When you remember and search out a local contact within your circle of influence, briefly describe this person and how you know him/her, and Roll + Influence.

On a 10+: The contact is as amiable as could be expected and pleased to hear from you.

On a 7-9: there is a grudge, unfinished business, or prevailing complication that must be dealt with or tactfully navigated. The GM will tell you what, or ask you questions regarding it.

I love the idea of players being able to introduce a potentially helpful NPC when they find themselves in a jam (similar to how Han Solo recalled Lando when they needed a place to lay low in Cloud City… which obviously was a 6- roll).  I also feel that every character, even those with the worst personalities, should have contacts… just more complicated ones. But this idea obviously conflicts with the Personality move: Contacts.

My resolution is two-fold:

(1) Every character, at creation, also designates a Circle of Influence that ties into his/her Background but is more defined. If your background is Privileged, your circles could be nobles, or doctors, or even criminals, etc. Your background flavors this, however, as someone with Privileged: Criminals Circles would obviously have contacts with much more white-collar criminals than one with Brutal: Criminals. Any sort of Circle (Traders, Smugglers, Scientists, Actor/Actresses, Engineers, etc.) takes on wildly different flavor according to the background you attach it to.   

When using this move, you may only introduce a contact that fits within that designated circle of influence. Through the fiction and adventures characters can naturally acquire new circles of influence if the GM feels it fits. 

Characters with the Contacts move are not restrained by their circle of influence. They have contacts everywhere.

(2) The Contacts move that already exists only lets players introduce an NPC when first visiting a civilized area. This works in the same way as the above move but without needing a roll. You just get the contact as if rolling a success. So it’s still a really powerful move. But if you’ve already designated a contact upon arrival and now find yourself in a situation where you could use someone else – now you make the Circles of Influence move.

What are your thoughts, community? What should be tweaked or clarified?

So I’m not sure if this is of interest to people or not, but it’s been enjoyable so far and I figured a thing is…

So I’m not sure if this is of interest to people or not, but it’s been enjoyable so far and I figured a thing is…

So I’m not sure if this is of interest to people or not, but it’s been enjoyable so far and I figured a thing is better shared than hidden.  I love Dungeon World, and have been fascinated with Sean’s hack here since he started the Kickstarter.  So I finally got around to starting a PbP game.  

It’s only been going for one week, and Play-by-Post moves pretty slow, but there’s a great crew playing with us and could be a fun read for anyone interested in how this might look in action.  After the jump you can see the sub-forum, with the Game Thread and OOC stuff.  It’s likely pretty difficult to mesh the two together, but reading through the Game Thread is still pretty conversational.

Thanks Sean Gomes  for putting such an awesome game together, as we’re really enjoying playing it!