Hey – By any chance is there a statted up version of the characters FROM the book and artwork for people to use at…

Hey – By any chance is there a statted up version of the characters FROM the book and artwork for people to use at…

Hey – By any chance is there a statted up version of the characters FROM the book and artwork for people to use at Pregens?

Like a completed Sureshot sheet with his relationships with all the other heroes.

I sort of want to try and run the guys from the books and artwork themselves, but I wanted to check here in case someone did a sweet laid out pregen sheet before I created them myself.

EDIT: at DREAMNATION (WHY DIDNT I BLOODY GO) Turns out Our god and saviour BC drafted up a bunch of the heroes and made them public on a dropbox. Grab them when you have a chance! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/36jbhwbhw2e9psr/AAD0lf7kQrdvOBNyrjXLvZQoa?dl=0