Heya folks, I need a little guidance on the “Mystery Letter”.

Heya folks, I need a little guidance on the “Mystery Letter”.

Heya folks, I need a little guidance on the “Mystery Letter”. I’ve got one player returning after missing 2 sessions and her Snoop is rejoining us in the 2nd half of a mystery where the group should be killing (or being killed by) the monsters.  

Finally ran my first Monster of the Week session.

Finally ran my first Monster of the Week session.

Finally ran my first Monster of the Week session. Really amazing time! The group and I went to town on the history section and basically created the the first 6 episodes of our Scooby Doo-esque/Supernatural TV show. Complete with a love triangle between the plucky Snoop who loves the emo heart-throb Monstrous (Zombie) whose infatuated with the clueless Expert. Created the main baddie pushing the meta-plot along for the 1st season and we’ve already lined up the baddie for the 2nd season. The players decided to go with the “traveling family/group” idea, they’re hunters who are also a band touring the road to towns and cities following any clues or premonitions the Snoop & the Spooky come up with. This episode they had to deal with a mutant amphibious fish-man devouring joggers & homeless people and was hiding in Stow lake located in Golden Gate Park in SF. They were all newbies to the Monster of the Week & the Apocalypse engine, some have never played an RPG. They loved it! Getting together again this weekend.