Clarification on the move, Take a Powerful Blow (edited for clarity):

Clarification on the move, Take a Powerful Blow (edited for clarity):

Clarification on the move, Take a Powerful Blow (edited for clarity):

Conditions section says “If you need to mark a condition and have no more conditions to mark, you are taken out. You lose consciousness or flee.” Meanwhile the Take a Powerful Blow move has varying effects which include losing consciousness or fleeing – depending on the result of the roll. This leads me to think that the move is intended whenever you take “a blow”. Wrong or no?

I have started using a hack of Masks for Star Wars, and its worked out great.

I have started using a hack of Masks for Star Wars, and its worked out great.

I have started using a hack of Masks for Star Wars, and its worked out great. The PCs are all young impressionable Force-users who are discovering themselves on their path to becoming galactic legends (or villains).