The Zombie World Kickstarter is now… ALIVE. Come join Magpie Games for our new card-based tabletop rpg set in the zombie apocalypse. You play survivors hoping to build a new life months after Z-Day, struggling against both the living and the dead to find your place in the world.


I’ve been working with Brendan Conway for the last few years on developing Zombie World, and I’m really excited by how it turned out. It’s a PbtA game that fits into a box, allowing you to take it with you wherever you go, and it plays great with more than six people in even just a two-hour session. Come check it out!





The Zombie World Kickstarter is now… ALIVE. Come join us for our new card-based tabletop rpg set in the zombie apocalypse. You play survivors hoping to build a new life months after Z-Day, struggling against both the living and the dead to find your place in the world.


The mechanics for the game are a version of PbtA rules that rely on cards instead of dice. When you make a move, you draw a number of cards based on a stat (Savagery, Steel, Soul, or Survival) and keep your highest card. You might get a Triumph (10+) or an Edge (7-9) or… only a Miss. Come check it out!


The Immortal Emerges!

The Immortal Emerges!

The Immortal Emerges!

There are some who have been cursed by gods or blessed by devils to walk this earth knowing neither disease nor age. They are immortals, fated to toy with the mortals whose lives remind them of their eternally delayed demise.

After a long wait, we’ve finished The Immortal playbook, complete with specific MC advice on how to handle The Immortal’s schemes. This digital only playbook is available right now through DTRPG:


Thanks again to all our Kickstarter backers and G+ community members for their support. It’s been wonderful to have such a great play community! Enjoy The Immortal!

Hey folks!

Hey folks!

Hey folks!

Wanna dive into some narcofiction stories a la Breaking Bad, The Wire, and El Mariachi? I’ve just launched a Kickstarter for my new PbtA game, Cartel! IWe’ve already raised more than $17,000 and smashed through five stretch goals. ¡No mames!

In Cartel, you play bold narcos, naïve spouses, and dirty cops tied to the Sinaloa drug cartel, trying to keep your head in an increasingly dangerous game of drugs, money, and power. Navigate complex and dangerous relationships, make desperate plays for money and power, and discover how far you are willing to go to hold on to what is yours. Buena suerte, cabrón.

Check it out here: http://kck.st/2FiUGVZ

You can also download a free Quickstart here: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/225344/Cartel-Quickstart

Years ago, I asked myself what a Mexican-American RPG looked like: Cartel is my answer. I hope you enjoy it!


Cartel is live on Kickstarter! ¡No Mames!

Cartel is live on Kickstarter! ¡No Mames!

Cartel is live on Kickstarter! ¡No Mames!

Wanna dive into some Narco-fiction stories a la Breaking Bad, The Wire, and El Mariachi? I’ve just launched a Kickstarter for my new PbtA game, Cartel! It’s an intense game (Rated M for Mature), perfect for creating dramatic, intense play at your table.

In Cartel, you play bold narcos, naïve spouses, and dirty cops tied to the Sinaloa drug cartel, trying to keep your head in an increasingly dangerous game of drugs, money, and power. Navigate complex and dangerous relationships, make desperate plays for money and power, and discover how far you are willing to go to hold on to what is yours. Buena suerte, cabrón.

Check it out here: http://kck.st/2FYj4t2

I am so proud to build on the work that Andrew Medeiros, and I did with Urban Shadows for this game. It’s grittier, darker, and more urgent, but it’s drawing on the same touchstones and ideas and pushing your characters toward dramatic situations that will feel familiar to any Wolf or Vamp on the streets of the City.

I hope you all enjoy it! <3


¡Hola, cabrones!

¡Hola, cabrones!

¡Hola, cabrones!

It’s been a little while since I’ve updated Cartel. It’s still definitely on our radar, and we thought we’d celebrate Dia de los Muertos this year by releasing a new Cartel Quickstart with some of the new art, mechanics, and materials we’ve been working on for the past two years!


The Quickstart is a jam-packed twenty-five pages, filled with everything you need to bring Cartel to your table in a new way. It’s also the foundation for the eventual Kickstarter we’re going to launch next year to produce a full version of the game (at last)!

Here’s a list of some of the changes based on the last two years of playtests:

– added a new xp system (llaves/keys)

– revised all the playbooks, especially El Narco y La Polizeta

– revised the basic moves for clarity and consistency

– added all new moves for Heat based on feedback from Miguel Ángel Espinoza

– added a new system (lifestyle) for dealing with money

To kick things off right, we’re also just started up our Cartel G+ group for folks who want to talk about the game. You can find that here:


Huge thanks to Mike, Brendan Conway, and Marissa Kelly for helping me put this together. It’s been really awesome to see the wonderful art from Andrew Thompson and Mirco Paganessi, and I’m thrilled to see what you all think of it.




Thanks to the amazing efforts of all of our wonderful writers, designers, editors, and more… Dark Streets is finally available on DTRPG:


We’re so excited for this book to go live. It’s got city guides, new playbooks, essays and more. We can’t wait to see what you all do with it.

Dark Streets / LE Playbooks Update – Jan 2015

Dark Streets / LE Playbooks Update – Jan 2015

Dark Streets / LE Playbooks Update – Jan 2015

Hey folks!

Since we get so many questions about Dark Streets and the LE Playbooks in this community (the archives aren’t really that searchable), he’s an official (pinned) update on these projects:

Dark Streets – We’re currently working through the City Guides and LE playbooks for the book. We plan on including the cities listed in the Kickstarter and The Vessel, The Revenant, The Scholar, and The Hallowed, along with a few essays about expanding the game in interesting ways. The depth of rules editing here has been substantial (we want to make sure everything really, really works), but we expect to have production news in the next month or so.

Other LE Playbooks – If you’re looking for LE playbooks that aren’t going to be in Dark Streets (The Dragon, The Immortal, The Angel, etc) stay tuned for more information. We’re likely to release those as standalone products when they are finished, sometime after Dark Streets is published.


October Production Update: The books are almost here!

October Production Update: The books are almost here!

October Production Update: The books are almost here!

For backers, we’ve dropped some info about the books, the new Revenant playbook, and some information about Magpie Games new Kickstarter: Masks!


For the rest of you, here are the bullet points:

– The books get here this week! We’ll have them out to you all early next week!

– The Revenant is in beta testing! We look forward to feedback from backers!

– Dark Streets is our new focus, and we’ve got almost all the City Guides in for editing!

– Masks: A New Generation is on Kickstarter; it’s a new Magpie Games AW hack from Brendan Conway about young adult superheroes. Check it out here: http://kck.st/1hDdwpR


Urban Shadows on the Story Gateway

Urban Shadows on the Story Gateway

Urban Shadows on the Story Gateway

Exciting news, everyone! Urban Shadows is officially part of the Envoy Role Play and Story Gateways, an online clearinghouse for matching up players to games run by Enjoy heralds. Woot!

Basically, if you’re looking to play in (or run) a game of Urban Shadows online, this is the place to do it! Come check it out, let the heralds know that you’re interested, and we’ll try to get a game on the calendar soon!
