Indie+ is playing Masks again! Join us for Part 2 of our Exhibition Game (now using the most up-to-date playbooks!)

Indie+ is playing Masks again! Join us for Part 2 of our Exhibition Game (now using the most up-to-date playbooks!)

Indie+ is playing Masks again! Join us for Part 2 of our Exhibition Game (now using the most up-to-date playbooks!)

Masks: A New Generation Public Beta

Masks: A New Generation Public Beta

Masks: A New Generation Public Beta

Hey folks!

Thanks for joining us in this community! We never expected such a strong response right out the gate, and we’re thrilled that you’re all here. 

As you’ve probably guessed, we’re getting ready for the launch of the Mask’s Kickstarter later this month. We’ve got a lot of cool stuff lined up, but we wanted to give you all a chance to get a sneak peak at the Masks playbooks, including all the basic moves and GM materials you need to run the game!

Since we’ve also had requests for an email list to keep people informed, we figured we’d combine the two. Here’s how this will work:

1) Click the link below to sign up for the Masks newsletter. We won’t bother you too often, but we’ll ping you when we launch the Kickstarter, release something new, etc. 

Masks Newsletter:

2) Confirm that you’re signed up for the email list by clicking the verify link that comes to your inbox. Search your spam folder if you can’t find it!

3) Once you’re signed on, the email list will send you an email with a preview of the Kickstarter and a DTRPG link for downloading your playbooks. We’d love feedback on both! 

Thanks for joining us on this journey. We’re really looking forward to showing you more Masks in the coming month!

Urban Shadows PDF live on DTRGP!

Urban Shadows PDF live on DTRGP!

Originally shared by Mark Diaz Truman

Urban Shadows PDF live on DTRGP!

I’m proud to announce that Urban Shadows is live on DTRPG! Huge thanks to Andrew Medeiros, Amanda Valentine, Thomas Deeny, Shelley Harlan, Elizabeth Bauman, Juan Ochoa, Brendan Conway, and Marissa Kelly for making this day a reality. Woot!

We’re working with our printer now to get books, so we will have an update on that shortly. We’ll be including the PDF with a book purchase, so if you want both… we’ll have books ready soon. 😀

PDFs are live!

PDFs are live!

PDFs are live!

After more than a year of writing, editing, layout, and proofing… the PDFs for Urban Shadows goes live today for backers! We’ll have regular PDFs up for sale via DTRPG by the end of the week (for non-backers) and print copies available soon for everyone! Thank you!

Heads up, folks! The 2.0 Playtest Packet just went out to backers. We’re looking forward to your feedback!

Heads up, folks! The 2.0 Playtest Packet just went out to backers. We’re looking forward to your feedback!

Heads up, folks! The 2.0 Playtest Packet just went out to backers. We’re looking forward to your feedback!