What is the “Satus Quo or Revolution” question for each threat on the MC sheet about?

What is the “Satus Quo or Revolution” question for each threat on the MC sheet about?

What is the “Satus Quo or Revolution” question for each threat on the MC sheet about? Does this replace Impulse from AW?

On the Kickstarter website, it says: “As your character gains new corruption abilities, you will face a difficult…

On the Kickstarter website, it says: “As your character gains new corruption abilities, you will face a difficult…

On the Kickstarter website, it says: “As your character gains new corruption abilities, you will face a difficult choice: will you give up what you’ve gained to save yourself?”

Does this refer to the “erase corruption” advances only or is there another way to reduce corruption levels?

I’m afraid I don’t fully understand the debt/faction systems.

I’m afraid I don’t fully understand the debt/faction systems.

I’m afraid I don’t fully understand the debt/faction systems.

So I owe a debt to Vlad the vampire of the Night faction. He wants me to help him with some dark deed and cashes in the debt to offer me an XP. I refuse. The debt is spent, I don’t mark XP. At the end of the session, because I interacted with the Night faction, my faction rating with Night goes up by one.

So by refusing to pay a debt to Vlad, I lose nothing but the opportunity to mark XP and my standing with the vampires is improved? Surely that cannot be correct! But that’s what the Kickstarter preview seems to say.