Here’s Breakout the Nova, taking on The Enforcer. Let’s do this thing!
#masksrpg #halcyonjailbreak Magpie Games
Here’s Breakout the Nova, taking on The Enforcer. Let’s do this thing!
Here’s Breakout the Nova, taking on The Enforcer. Let’s do this thing!
#masksrpg #halcyonjailbreak Magpie Games
One more! Storm Front letting loose against Mastero, the self-proclaimed lord of creation!
One more! Storm Front letting loose against Mastero, the self-proclaimed lord of creation!
#masksrpg #halcyonjailbreak Magpie Games
The Legacy: Citizen takes on the evil Groundbreaker!
The Legacy: Citizen takes on the evil Groundbreaker!
#MasksRPG #HalcyonJailbreak
One last push!
One last push! Time to draw some more heroes! This is Cicada-Boy directly engaging a costumes villain with his sonic screech!
#masksrpg #halcyonjailbreak Magpie Games
10 Heroes (starting from top left)
10 Heroes (starting from top left)
The Delinquent, Janus, The Legacy, The Protege, The Bull, The Outsider
(starting from bottom left [witchy looking one is counted as #2 on bottom])
The Nova, The Beacon, The Doomed, The Transformed
Janus hero Shadowfox defends the press on the outskirts of Halcyon City. #masksrpg #halcyonjailbreak
Janus hero Shadowfox defends the press on the outskirts of Halcyon City. #masksrpg #halcyonjailbreak
Beware of Paracelsus, aka The Alchemist.
Beware of Paracelsus, aka The Alchemist. If you can pay his price, he can and will brew you anything. Potions for wisdom, brews for beauty, draughts and cordials to make an immortal–or to kill one. Though he does not cater exclusively to the vile and villainous, those who live in infamy seem far more willing to pay what he asks of them.
Do try his coffee.
Magpie Games #villainselfie #masksrpg #halcyonjailbreak
Villain Selfie. “Pierce” the dangerous un-powered, ex-agent of A.E.G.I.S.
Villain Selfie. “Pierce” the dangerous un-powered, ex-agent of A.E.G.I.S.
Magpie Games #masksrpg #halcyonjailbreak
Not an artist in anyway but wanted to do my part. “Stalac-Sight” directly engaging a threat with his ice vision!
Not an artist in anyway but wanted to do my part. “Stalac-Sight” directly engaging a threat with his ice vision!
#masksrpg #halcyonjailbreak
Enter Eberon… Lord of the Mainframe
Originally shared by Richard Williams (Epistolary Richard)
Enter Eberon… Lord of the Mainframe
#MasksRPG #SuperVillainSelfies #halcyoncityjailbreak