Hey guys I was wondering if anyone had songs they think fit with the theme of Masks?

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone had songs they think fit with the theme of Masks?

Hey guys I was wondering if anyone had songs they think fit with the theme of Masks? I personally think “I’m Still Here”- by John Rzeznik guys very well.

Hey guys I have a a rules question.

Hey guys I have a a rules question.

Hey guys I have a a rules question. For the basic move provoke someone under the rules about PCs provoking PCs it says that on a 10+ do both, but the options are do it and add a team to the pool or don’t do it and take a condition. How can you both do it and not do it?

Hey guys, I’ve recently been lucky to get into a game of Masks online and I have to say it’s a really fun group, all…

Hey guys, I’ve recently been lucky to get into a game of Masks online and I have to say it’s a really fun group, all…

Hey guys, I’ve recently been lucky to get into a game of Masks online and I have to say it’s a really fun group, all of the players are good roleplayers and the GM is very good at mixing all of the themes. Everyone also has a good sense of humor and I just wanted to share some highlights from the last session:

The first part I’m a little biased towards because my character was a big part of it. So the party was told by a robot to go to a modern art museum or the city’s power grid would blow up. Well turns out the museum is filled with the really terrible kind of modern art (think a canvas with only a perfect circle on it being called art) with the most expensive piece being a sculpture that was only described as the ugliest thing any one ever dared to describe as art. Well then more robots showed up and a fight breaks out (my character used the sculpture as a weapon) and a few explosions later, the museum doesn’t look like its going to stand for much longer. So before my character leaves I ask if there is a single piece of art that looks good, my GM randomly determines that yes there is one good piece (he described it as MC Escher-esque). So my character grabs that art and goes outside and finds an intern (he’s the one who told us about the sculpture) and gives him the painting and I say, “Don’t worry, I managed to save all of the art.”

The last anecdote all of the party contributed to. Out of character we were talking about potential modern heroes and villains since earlier we met a Question/Oracle like hero named H4ck71v157 (Hacktivist in Leet) and somebody mentioned a villain like Captain Boomerang except instead of boomerangs he uses those fidget spinner things. Than someone immediately named them Sergeant Spinner and the GM thought it was so funny he not only made Sgt. Spinner an actual villain, but the spokesperson for the newly introduced super villain team.

Well that’s all for now, but let me know if you have any funny anecdotes from your own Masks games. I’d love to hear them.

Hi, I’m new to the community and I was wondering if there is or will be any legal method to getting the extra…

Hi, I’m new to the community and I was wondering if there is or will be any legal method to getting the extra…

Hi, I’m new to the community and I was wondering if there is or will be any legal method to getting the extra playbooks the backers got during the kickstarter? Unfortunately I did not learn about the game until after the kickstarter ended.