Corporate Clocks

Corporate Clocks

Corporate Clocks

I’d love to see what everyone has written for Corporate Clocks and how they differ from Grim Portents in Dungeon World. In the book, we see the Legwork and Action Clocks, but the only clear statements about Corp Clocks are:

* When a Corporate Clock gets to 1800, the corporation has definitely taken notice of them.

* Corps with clocks over 1800 are looking for information on the PCs.

* When a Corporate Clock gets to 2100, the corporation takes definite action against them.

* If any Corporate Clock is high (2100 or above), that Corporation might intervene with force.

* Corps with clocks over 2100 are gunning for them!

EDIT: almost a week and no bites. I wonder if Hamish Cameron might offer some corporate clock ideas or examples from playtests?

Secret Corporations

Secret Corporations

Secret Corporations

I’m prepping a session of The Sprawl but hacking the setting significantly — using Night’s Black Agents for a Jason Bourne meets Dracula story. Instead of megacorps as the Corporations, I’m anticipating various intelligence agencies and terrorist groups to be named for the Clocks. However, behind the scenes in NBA are these organizations:

* EDOM: the shadow agency that tried to recruit Dracula as a spy

* the Conspiracy: vampires, simply.

EDOM and the Conspiracy are not well known by the PCs or the players but may still make movements against them. Hence, my question: how do you handle secret or unknown corporations?

I’m hearing great things about The Sprawl but don’t have it / haven’t played it, so I ask in advance: Do you think…

I’m hearing great things about The Sprawl but don’t have it / haven’t played it, so I ask in advance: Do you think…

I’m hearing great things about The Sprawl but don’t have it / haven’t played it, so I ask in advance: Do you think it would work well with a Jason Borne meets Vampires spy/action/thriller type game? I’m hoping for a PbtA answer to Night’s Black Agents.
