Many thanks to Marco Moretti , who did these marvellous photos of #DilemmaCon , our open-to-everyone,…

Many thanks to Marco Moretti , who did these marvellous photos of #DilemmaCon , our open-to-everyone,…

Many thanks to Marco Moretti , who did these marvellous photos of #DilemmaCon , our open-to-everyone, no-admission-price promotional event for the game!

We met, we played Dilemma ( #DilemmaRPG ), Kagematsu and other games, we ate together and had a great time together!

And, above all, we shared our Wings’ colors!

Dilemma is a Powered By The Apocalypse game by Manuela Soriani , Marco Andreetto , Mattia Bulgarelli.

Luca Veluttini took care of most of the arrangements for the day, Mario Bolzoni took care of the t-shirts’s delivery, printing, etc.

P.S.: if you’re interested in getting one, contact me, we’ll probably do a second print run. First run was made for an exceptional, no-profit price of 5€ each!

Originally shared by Marco Moretti

Added photos to DilemmaCON.


Elisa Greco Gambino (same person of  Dilemma ‘s tribute video), made a couple of trailers for her game of Michael…

Elisa Greco Gambino (same person of  Dilemma ‘s tribute video), made a couple of trailers for her game of Michael…

Elisa Greco Gambino (same person of  Dilemma ‘s tribute video), made a couple of trailers for her game of Michael Sands’s Monster Of The Week!

I think you may like to watch them:

Dilemma RPG Blind Test: want to be part of it?

Dilemma RPG Blind Test: want to be part of it?

Dilemma RPG Blind Test: want to be part of it?

[In Italiano: ]

The Blind Test Package is ready, after almost a year of internal test (you may already looked at the “thank you video”)!

If you want to be part of the Blind Test phase, just send me an e-mail here and ask:


I’ll send you a link to the working Google Doc and a .ZIP file with all the handouts.

Blind Testers will have our gratitude and… whatever we will be able to think to properly thank them!


Dilemma: tribute video to playtesters

Dilemma: tribute video to playtesters

Dilemma: tribute video to playtesters

#dilemmarpg #dilemmarpgmusic  



This video, by Elisa Greco Gambino, is a “thank you” for all players who helped us so far, loving the game and giving us a lot of enthusiasm to keep the work going on!

Manuela Soriani and I are so happy to have a memento of many games played so far, a memento we’ll be able to watch again whenever we’ll feel like it!

We hope you will like it as much as we did!

Elisa Greco Gambino didn’t choose on her own the characters’ casting: Manuela Soriani asked all involved players to provide their own. Everyone who answered got included!

Anyone who wasn’t included for any reason needs not to be jealous: this video is for you, too! ^_^

This video is also meant as a gift to Marco Andreetto, who knew nothing about the video, and who is the “silent voice” in the authors’ trio: we owe you a lot of enthusiasm, man!

Extra thanks to Elisa Greco Gambino, who poured into this video a huge amount of working hours: we’ll never be able to pay that back!

Thanks to the Powered By The Apocalypse community members, who helped us to find the perfect closing tagline! You’re so great, people! ^_^

Dilemma is about to go into blind test phase, and it’s also near to its first birthday, counting from the first written-down rules.

This video is also available in the official Dilemma G+ Community:

Tagging the players involved:

Davide Falzani Martino Gasparella Marco Andreetto Sonia Grossi claudia ronchi Mauro Ghibaudo Luca Bonisoli Moreno Roncucci Francesca Da Sacco Claudia Cangini Michela Da Sacco Emilio Brognara Alessandro Ferretto Domenico Marino Ezio Melega Luigi Briganti Fabio Succi Cimentini Mario Bolzoni Girolamo Castaldo Stefano Burchi Paolo Cecchetto

Need help for English translation of a core concept

Need help for English translation of a core concept

Need help for English translation of a core concept

We’re promoting Dilemma ( #dilemmarpg ) with a series of initiatives (more on that in the next weeks), and we have a GREAT tagline in Italian, thanks to Claudia Cangini (one of the great minds behind Italian publisher ):

Dilemma: Lasciati Segnare

Now, we do not know how to best translate it in English.

Literally, it would be “let yourself be tagged”, or “get tagged” (to Tag is a game term, it’s one of the most defining moments of the game!).

I thought about translating it with “Let Me Tag You”, but I don’t know if it sounds appealing to a real native speaker… it sounds “ugly” to me. Is it me?

Italian verb “segnare” also mean “to leave a mark”, but the English verb sounds closer to “brand” rather than “leave a lasting impression on someone’s soul” (again: is it me?).

Another option could be to leave it in Italian to make people curious about its meaning… problem is, its correct pronunciation is very difficult for native English speakers, it includes not one but two different sounds that do not exist in English!

It’s not like “dolce vita”, that almost every English speaker can get right at the first or second try.

(BTW: Dilemma has ended the closed playtest phase, now we’re going into “blind playtest” phase… there will be a “recruitment” post soon for anyone interested. ^_- )

Alexandra Zanasi, who’s perfectly bilingual in English and Italian, maybe can help me.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help! ^_^

The back side of Dilemma’s ( #dilemmarpg ) promo t-shirt!

The back side of Dilemma’s ( #dilemmarpg ) promo t-shirt!

The back side of Dilemma‘s ( #dilemmarpg ) promo t-shirt!

Yes, they’re in Italian: I’ll post translations of the teaser texts on the Powered By The Apocalypse community in the next days!

Dilemma is a Powered By The Apocalypse game by Manuela Soriani, Marco Andreetto and Mattia Bulgarelli.

Dilemma: “Lasciati Segnare” T-shirt

Dilemma: “Lasciati Segnare” T-shirt

Dilemma: “Lasciati Segnare” T-shirt

Let us Tag you!

If you’re interested in buying an official Dilemma t-shirt, you can just comment here or in the linked post and place your request.

Check the front graphics in the linked post; backside will be revealed very soon!

Of course, if you’re far from Italy, we’ll have to think some way to get it to you. Since we’re not making any money out of this, we’ll have to ask you to cover the shipping costs, too. Or come and visit one of the wonderful Italian indie RPG conventions and events, we’ll be happy to meet you guys from all over the world! ^_-

Click on the hashtag → #dilemmarpg   ← to know what’s Dilemma! Or ask me here below!

Dilemma is a Powered By The Apocalypse game by Manuela Soriani, Marco Andreetto and Mattia Bulgarelli.

Dilemma: UPDATE

Dilemma: UPDATE

Dilemma: UPDATE

#dilemmarpg #internoscon2013  

Dilemma will be at Internoscon 2013 with THREE complete games with the authors (and maybe more with other players presenting our game): Manuela Soriani, Marco Andreetto, Mattia Bulgarelli!

Rules are getting to their final form!

Version 9 of the Wings sheets is almost finished: six colors out of seven have been revised and improved.

Spread the word!

Click on the hashtags to get more info about

→ #dilemmarpg    ←


→ #internoscon2013   ←

or just ask here in comments!

Just a question for moderator Meguey Baker (and anyone else who may help): sending news about games “Powered By The…

Just a question for moderator Meguey Baker (and anyone else who may help): sending news about games “Powered By The…

Just a question for moderator Meguey Baker (and anyone else who may help): sending news about games “Powered By The Apocalypse” to spread the news is allowed? Is ti welcome? Is it frowned upon?

I do have one I’d like to introduce to English-speaking players (and, why not, designers).