Wednesday, we do our 2nd roll20 google hangouts Monsterhearts game.  This game has opened up some really cool…

Wednesday, we do our 2nd roll20 google hangouts Monsterhearts game.  This game has opened up some really cool…

Wednesday, we do our 2nd roll20 google hangouts Monsterhearts game.  This game has opened up some really cool avenues in the people I’ve played with and the Con game for it was stupidly fun.

I have found that doing it via play by post was a bit odd—ours went wrong very quickly with one player who seemed to rub everyone else the wrong way and soon the players were at each other’s throats.  Face to face seems to be a huge boon to this game.

If anyone’s doing this on roll20, I’ve put together decks of cards with actor headshots from the link in the story-games thread about the Monsterheart cards.  If it’s possible to share them, drop me a line and I’ll get them to you.