Anyone playing Uncharted Worlds online and looking for another player?

Anyone playing Uncharted Worlds online and looking for another player?

Anyone playing Uncharted Worlds online and looking for another player?

I read the book and am planning to run a campaign for my regular gaming group, but since I haven’t actually played any PbtA games (let alone UW) yet, I’d like to give that a shot first.

Either a one-shot or mini-campaign would be great, just needs to be PST time zone friendly (ideally late evenings due to work/family commitments). Any software is fine (Roll20, Hangouts, Skype, etc.).

Any tips on finding an online PbtA game?

Any tips on finding an online PbtA game?

Any tips on finding an online PbtA game? Where are the best places to look ? (this community, other G+ communities, Roll20, Reddit LFG, etc.)?

I’m especially interested in Uncharted Worlds, Monster of the Week, Urban Shadows, Action Movie World, or Dungeon World – but potentially other variations as well.

One Shots or mini-campaigns would be ideal. Any software is fine (Roll20, Hangouts, Skype, etc.), but preferably voice + video.

Any pointers would be appreciated.