Public RSVP is now available for these playtest sessions of my game #NahualRPG, in case anyone is interested.
Public RSVP is now available for these playtest sessions of my game #NahualRPG, in case anyone is interested.
Originally shared by Mike Espinoza (Azlath)
Nahual – A Mexican RPG PbtA (Playtest)
I have four playtest sessions of my game Nahual on the calendar for July. General RSVPs begin 6.17.18.
Nahual is a Mexican PbtA of urban fantasy set in Mexico. Characters are shapeshifting nahuals that hunt angels to make a living. They run a “changarro” (business) together where they sell the angels they hunt as different types of products. The setting is an adaptation of Edgar Clement’s comic books (Operacion Bolivar, Kerubim, Los Perros Salvajes).
Hi everyone! On AW2E and the Lifestyle move, does everyone really use it at the beginning of each session? Sometimes the previous session ends in a cliffhanger or was just like a day in fiction time, what do you do on those cases. I’m curious how everyone uses this, specially ’cause I’m working on something like that for my #NahualRPG game.
Hi all, what do you think of this move? It actually uses a “dice pool” depending on the number of PCs that take part in the hunt. Is it too weird?
Originally shared by Mike Espinoza (Azlath)
#NahualRPG #3amDesign
So I came up with this move for the hunting activity of the angeleros. (Yes, I totally stole that engage in a hunt from John Harper’s Blades in the Dark’s engagement roll) What do you all think? The idea is to let players decide if they want to play a whole hunt or just roll the dice and move on, depending on each table and situation.
So I came up with this move for the hunting activity of the angeleros. (Yes, I totally stole that engage in a hunt from John Harper’s Blades in the Dark’s engagement roll) What do you all think? The idea is to let players decide if they want to play a whole hunt or just roll the dice and move on, depending on each table and situation.