Welp, I guess I’m blogging again. But with purpose this time, so it’s not just meaningless mid-2000s nostalgia.

Welp, I guess I’m blogging again. But with purpose this time, so it’s not just meaningless mid-2000s nostalgia.

Welp, I guess I’m blogging again. But with purpose this time, so it’s not just meaningless mid-2000s nostalgia.

I’m starting my first AW hack, and with everyone talking about taxonomy of AW, it got me thinking about WordPress, so I’m using a WP site to record ideas and patch the whole thing together.

The as yet unnamed game is a sci-fi horror game meant to evoke the And Then There Were None haunted house in space of Alien, Aliens, Event Horizon and DooM.

You can follow it here as it develops: https://sinisterbeard.wordpress.com/2016/06/17/welcome-to-not-the-void/


Has something happened to the big list?

Has something happened to the big list?

Has something happened to the big list?

The Big List of Apocalypse World hacks has gonea bit weird. Its only listing about 30 games and throwing some errors. Does anyone know what happened/ have a backup?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1whsN3C5e31CZfo8hqlJbiKTPBX9kkCDSEG_An9FlP5s/htmlview

How much World do you like in your AW hacks?

How much World do you like in your AW hacks?

How much World do you like in your AW hacks?

Apocalypse World and Dungeon World are genre emulators, rather than trad setting and rules RPGs. The settlement creation rules in DW especially support that.

So, if I’m planning an AW hack that emulates a different genre, would you want a similar level of broadness, or do you prefer something that ties emulation to a specific setting, e.g. Blades in the Dark?