Last Saturday I started a 13-session online run of Monster of the Week called Agents of FAUST. Here’s the pitch:

Last Saturday I started a 13-session online run of Monster of the Week called Agents of FAUST. Here’s the pitch:

Last Saturday I started a 13-session online run of Monster of the Week called Agents of FAUST. Here’s the pitch:

“Most people believe that the universe works the way their eighth grade science textbooks told them: there’s a set of immutable laws governing our world that we basically understand. And for the most part, they’re right. The Federal Agency for Unorthodox and Supranormal Threats deals with those instances when those universal laws are more, well, mutable. Because the sad truth is that there ARE gods and ghosts and aliens and things that go bump in the night (and day) of all shapes, sizes and temperaments. As agents of FAUST, you are the point of the spear, protecting all those innocent citizens from things they really, really don’t want to know about, much less deal with.”

First session link here!

I play in Rich Rogers’ East Texas University game using Monster of the Week. Here’s a link to the entire playlist:

I play in Rich Rogers’ East Texas University game using Monster of the Week. Here’s a link to the entire playlist:

I play in Rich Rogers’ East Texas University game using Monster of the Week. Here’s a link to the entire playlist:

(Question inspired by a brief conversation with Richard Rogers)

(Question inspired by a brief conversation with Richard Rogers)

(Question inspired by a brief conversation with Richard Rogers)

I feel like I’m gravitating toward a particular style of play in my first Apocalypse World game (as a player). There’s a few sentences in the book that really appeal to me, in the “Why to Play” section:. “They’re carving out their little space of hope and freedom in the filth and violence, and they’re trying to hold onto it. Do they have it in them?” …and…  “Is there a way back? A way forward? If anybody’s going to ever find out, it’s you and your characters.”

As players, do you ever think about that hope and freedom thing? As MCs? How do you play it/encourage it/allow it?