Hey everyone, I hope all is well.

Hey everyone, I hope all is well.

Hey everyone, I hope all is well.

After a recent session of AW, I’ve realized that one of my group members is simply not interested in this type of thing, and am looking to find a filler if possible. I’ve posted about the session a few times before, and we can either a) have you fill the role as a Gunlugger or b) write you into the story as a different character.

Our first session is on YouTube, and my hope is to get the second session on there as well. If you have any questions about the sessions, I can, of course, talk with you about it in any fashion.

Details of the campaign is that we are streaming it live through my Twitch channel, so a headset and a webcam are preferable. We are playing every other week on Saturday from about 4:30PM to 8:30PM. There are some exceptions to this, but we discuss ahead of time in Roll20. That’s also our maps and dice rolling software.

Thank you for considering!



Huzzah! Our first session is up on YouTube. First timebeing MC, and it wasn’t as horrible as I expected! We have another session scheduled for August 2nd so if you’re up for watching (and giving me feedback as an MC) I’m game! You can find the live link here: twitch.tv/peterthomas6

I hope you all enjoy. 😀

Wasteland Week 1 Part 1


Hey guys!

Hey guys!

Hey guys! We had a player for our AW campaign drop out on us before we started our campaign, so I am now frantically searching for someone to fill the role. Anyone here interested? 🙂 Details below!

Game: Apocalypse World

Campaign Length: 4-6 sessions (variable)

Frequency: Biweekly

First session: 4:00PM EDT, Saturday July 12, 2014

Other: This will be streamed live on my Twitch channel, so a webcam is preferable!

If there are other questions, please let me know!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone! I don’t know why it took me so long to look for a Tabletop community on Google+ but I’m here now, and hopefully this will turn up results! 🙂

Hi! My name is Peter, and I’m a brand new face to the realm of tabletops. I’ve been a gamer for 27 years, yet for some reason, I have never gotten into tabletops. That was before I was introduced to a guy who does them online, and it looks phenomenal. It sold me to give it a go. I bought two games: Apocalypse World and Dungeon World (both links for them are below), and I’m looking for people who want to play!

There is a small catch — I’m a brand new streamer on Twitch, and I want to do the sessions live! So, it would be grand if you had access to a webcam, a mic, and a stable internet connection. To offset this, I can tell you that the resources you’ll need to play the games are absolutely free. 🙂 We will use Roll20 to take care of our dice rolls and GM stuff, and it could be a ton of fun.

As it relates to scheduling, I’m willing to work with the group to try and secure a rough day/time, and of course, we can be flexible, but I’m thinking that four to six weeks playing once a week would shape up to be a really bad ass campaign time. Again, nothing is set in stone; right now I just want to play!

If this sounds like fun to you, check out the links to see some of the game resources and examples of what a session like this would look like. I hope to hear from you all soon. If there are ANY questions whatsoever, please reach out to me. I’ll be happy to answer anything I can.

My best,


AW: www.apocalypse-world.com

DW: www.dungeon-world.com

Example: RollPlay R&D – Introduction and Character Creation

My Twitch: www.twitch.tv/peterthomas6
