


First game ever just last night.

It was a simple issue: Dr.Ghost tried to lure supers with hostages in a research lab to trap some of them

and the team (with a starlight-personified newborn that looks like a nova, that attracted the DR. interest) arrived in place

i had the whole game a strange sensation

they keept doing nothing but “trying to restrain” the villain with raw superpowers (telekinesis, solid light projection, shapeshifting and magic)

They just resisted or body/energy blocked the villain soft moves

i am used to other PBTA where the player should just react to the “what do you do?” question, but in this case, with other “power” moves triggering

one: only when they try to damage the enemy

and the another: only when they try to defend someone/thing else

in a situation in which the villain had as a purpose “grab you and trhow / lure / take / telekinetically push” inside the “cage-chamber” they felt compelled to just “oppose” with the unleash move

where i am wrong? i love this game and i love PBTA but something broke in this frist session and i am afraid they will quit the playtest if i fail the next too..

PS: i tried to being understandable although i am not properly skilled in english, sorry for eventual errors. ^^”