I’m going to be running The Sprawl for some new people soon(3 to be exact).

I’m going to be running The Sprawl for some new people soon(3 to be exact).

I’m going to be running The Sprawl for some new people soon(3 to be exact). We’re going to be doing a one shot type thing.

I wanted thoughts on ways I can save time with out fully removing the improv elements. So basically I want to leave a few less unanswered questions at the begining of play. Like prehaps I’ll stat up 2 of the corps.

Any other suggestions?

I started running an Apocalypse World campaign recently, set in a world of over grown powerful plants.

I started running an Apocalypse World campaign recently, set in a world of over grown powerful plants.

I started running an Apocalypse World campaign recently, set in a world of over grown powerful plants. It’s shaping up to be a pretty political game.

Anyway, thought someone might be interested in listening to the APs.
