If one of my players (Gunlugger) chooses to get a holding as an improvement, I reckon I simply use the narrative to…

If one of my players (Gunlugger) chooses to get a holding as an improvement, I reckon I simply use the narrative to…

If one of my players (Gunlugger) chooses to get a holding as an improvement, I reckon I simply use the narrative to get him one, or some “retroactive” narrative on how he got it. However I was wondering, it says they get wealth, so do they not get Leadership automatically then? If not, then I reckon the ramifications of not investing in this could be an unruly holding? Do I have these points right?





Found this an interesting read, could help in skinning AW to LoTR. I know DW exists, but AW alone has more of the scarcity flavor to it I think ^_^


Regarding Fronts, the countdowns on each threat don’t need to be announced or even hinted at that they are…

Regarding Fronts, the countdowns on each threat don’t need to be announced or even hinted at that they are…

Regarding Fronts, the countdowns on each threat don’t need to be announced or even hinted at that they are progressing correct? If I understand it properly, it’s basically an organized reference sheet/to do list should the fiction fall into place or should you need to make a move right?

Any sort of “hint” that something progressed on a threat should be done by some fictional sign like, “you see a bright flash to the east, Waters’ holding you reckon.” In order to progress a countdown that perhaps let us say, involved Waters’ holding discovering electricity again or some crap like that. Am I following it right?

I didn’t get to use them very much last session but I did use announce future badness by a celestial scene that looked foreboding. It was part of one of my threat’s count downs, 12-3:00. I just want to be sure I am approaching it right, if so, then I think I finally “get” Fronts 😛


How do I avoid NPCs becoming more important than the PCs?

How do I avoid NPCs becoming more important than the PCs?

How do I avoid NPCs becoming more important than the PCs? I am running a so far decent campaign with 2 other PCs, however one is an Operator the other is a Gunlugger, so we have an NPC hardholder because they wanted to belong to a holding. I am considering putting the npc in some crosshairs soon to make her less important, since she has been giving them orders to do some missions for her. I mean as far as that it hasnt been too bad, the focus has indeed been on the PCs, but I am thinking, what if I have to use her gang or something? How would that not take away from the PCs? And on that note, should I just fill out a hardholder character playbook for the npc?

I am just finishing up a front with its threats.

I am just finishing up a front with its threats.

I am just finishing up a front with its threats. I am a little confused though regarding the count down. Using the example of the waders:

It has you roll upon interaction and gives you the results. Do you have them fill in the segment on their sheets and just have them note for what it’s for? Because say a 7-9, “you’re resistant, start at 0:00.” Starting at 0:00 means you don’t mark anything right? Or does that mean the first segment? It shows “Contact with a wader” has 3 segments, so you can resist up to 3 times or 4 in his example? I would assume 3, marking the first segment as “0:00” But I am not sure.

Finally, on my own custom move, if they are marking say an infection on their counter, how do I handle them getting hit with 1harm or something, do they just add up on the player’s counter or do I have them keep 2 separate counters on their sheet? Wow I just confused myself further, help 😀

So the apocalypse I am running will probably creep into the lines of unusual creatures as threats.

So the apocalypse I am running will probably creep into the lines of unusual creatures as threats.

So the apocalypse I am running will probably creep into the lines of unusual creatures as threats. Could I simply use the grotesque threat to form some sort of threat from it? Or is there already a custom move for this?