I own Urban Shadows, but I have never played it before. I am trying to figure out Factions. In the text I see 3 places where it talks about factions. The stats, the moves and the MC moves, and I missing any place else?
I get that the stats represent your level of understanding of the faction, so does “0” mean no knowledge of the faction and a negative number represent a misunderstanding?
In the stat section is says that these numbers will change, but in my admittedly light skimming of the material I failed to see how that happens. Can your understanding of a faction decrease? Maybe that happens as you are fed disinformation?
Before I started reading this over I thought faction was going to represent your standing and influence within that faction, which was wrong. How to you represent that with the players?
(Full disclosure, while I do have a strong interest in playing Urban Shadows the game I am currently running is based on Star Wars World by Andrew Medeiros, and my focus is there until that game finishes. Richard McNutt just shared a hack of the SWW hack that included factions and I am trying to understand them better so that I can take full advantage of the new material.
I am here raiding your hacks, shuffling through your pockets for any loose moves. )