I have a question about the Symbiotic race, what happens with its mettle?

I have a question about the Symbiotic race, what happens with its mettle?

I have a question about the Symbiotic race, what happens with its mettle? Clearly it keeps its expertise, influence and interface and the text notes that its physique overrule the hosts, but what about its reaction speed and dexterity which seem to come under mettle.




The following is not an actual play as it doesn’t reference the mechanics at all its just the narrative and story of the first session and eludes to what happened in the second which i have yet to write up.

That said i’ve yet to actually get the crew to choose a name for the ship yet and its… ummm, well we’ll get to that.

Without further ado i give you the first of (hopefully) many sessions of my player’s Total F**k-ups

First of all If any of my players are reading this, don’t.

First of all If any of my players are reading this, don’t.

First of all If any of my players are reading this, don’t.

Hello, i’m a bit of a lurker and am running a game pretty soon. I’ve allowed my group to build characters with access to the additional preview components available for far beyond humanity (because i want to allow psionics, cyborgs and all that cool stuff).

I’m wondering how i’m going to get past the largest and most blatant hurdle in my group; a player who rarely engages and dislikes learning new rules and systems. How do i get him to better engage? I’m going to help him build a character at the start of our first session as he isn’t going to have learned how to do so. (The other players built their PCs and only asked me a few questions about how character creation actually worked).

I’m planning to get the players to write up the records of each session from their characters perspective. I plan to use this to keep the story going roughly in the direction the players are pulling it, seeing what elements they’ve remembered and forgotten and how i might pull from those old threats.

(Also if this ends up really good i might start posting the story from a chroniclers perspective with extracts from the various character’s journals somewhere)

Really all this is superfluous text because i’m excited about running this and seeing how they adapt to the infinite challenges and horrors of the universe, how many innocents die because of their actions and just how far they’ll go to survive and prosper.

But if you have any suggestions as to how to get my player to engage more that’d be really helpful.