


While I’m still tooling around with the other Telepath abilities, Precognition ended up causing a lot of very interesting debate. The implementation of a skill that can see into the future is Not Easy ™ so I’m toying with a lot of different designs.

I figure I’d open the Google Doc up to you guys, I’d love to have your Comments on any or all of the 5 designs. (Anyone can comment directly on the Doc)

FBH Design – The Telepath

FBH Design – The Telepath

FBH Design – The Telepath

So I saddled up and started my second (first real) pass on the Psi careers, starting with Telepath. Whuff. Not easy. I’m trying to provide flexible limitations while curbing abuse, all while keeping text size to a minimum. Oddly, I ended up with six Skills instead of five, and now I find myself with the task of having to cut/cryo-freeze one of them.

2 questions for the community, if you have the time:

– Evaluate Skills: Do the skills “make sense”? Do you get what they’re supposed to do? Are they too vague? Too restrictive? Open to obvious abuse?

– Eliminate a Skill: Which skill can we do without? Which is the least interesting to you?

Precognition – When you witness a pivotal moment in time and open your sight to What Could Be, the GM will reveal brief images of a future where you and your allies did not interact with that event in any way.

Telepathy – You can create a short-lived mental communication link between yourself and a target within line of sight, or over longer distances if you have a strong bond with the subject.

Probe – Touching the head of another allows you to Access their mind as if it was a computer. Failed or partially successful Access attempts can cause significant neurological damage.

Suggestion – When you plant a fact, memory or desire in the mind of someone nearby, Roll+Interface.

– On a 10+, they accept this completely, and will act on it if they can.

– On a 7-9, they will act on it for now, but will soon come to their senses.

Empathy – With a moment of focus, you can feel the life force, health and emotional states in a given space. Large changes in life force, health or emotional states resonate louder and further.

Clairvoyance – Meditation allows you to make Assessment+Mettle about specific people, objects and locations over any distance. The glimpses granted by a failed Clairvoyance can be extremely disturbing.

There are times where I’m just tickled at what comes out of a solid design session.

There are times where I’m just tickled at what comes out of a solid design session.

There are times where I’m just tickled at what comes out of a solid design session.

In the “Fanatic” career, to replace ‘Relic’ (which has moved over to the Chosen career)


Choose a topic. Whenever you gain a Data Point about anything else, explain how it relates to your chosen topic. If you can, gain a Data Point about your chosen subject instead.

Looking for general inspiration:

Looking for general inspiration:

Looking for general inspiration:

I’ve been putting together the Xenologist career, and it’s been going quite well. However, I’m a bit stumped coming up with a 5th ability, and I feel I’m missing some key variant of a xeno-focused archetype.

Right now the career already supports diplomatic, scientific, military and commercial archetypes. I’m looking for inspiration for a final skill to either further support those archetypes, or provide tools for other archetypes.

Trinkets – Whenever you encounter an alien society, you can collect a free Class -1 Cargo of miscellaneous baubles, trinkets and other cultural detritus. Cargo Units you Trade or use in Acquisitions are considered 1 Class higher if they come from a distant planet or exotic alien culture.

Linguist – You can communicate passably with all known alien species and understand their languages. A successful Assessment of a newly-encountered or long-dead alien culture grants you permanent access to their written and/or spoken language.

Adaptive – You can partake in most alien consumables (food, drink, narcotics, etc), and know which ones are poisonous to your species. You can use machinery, vehicles, tools, equipment and weapons not designed for your species. Wearing Attire not designed for your species makes you Clumsy.

Familiarity – When you spend a Data Point about an alien species, choose one:

– You gain +3 to your roll instead of +1

– You gain +1 and keep the Data Point if the Move is successful.

Insert 5th skill here – Something something something.

Yet another FBH careers update/blog-thingy:

Yet another FBH careers update/blog-thingy:

Yet another FBH careers update/blog-thingy:

As I mentioned previously, I’ve been working on the Occult career. I had originally intended there to be two “magic” careers (Arcane and Occult), two “divine” careers (Chosen and Devoted), and two “psi” careers (Telepath and Kinetic). However, that ‘spread’ might be taking FBH too firmly into the realm of fantasy. While some fantastical elements are necessary to emulate the various flavors of sci-fi (I’m looking at you, WH40k), I need to be judicious.

I’ve taken the Occult and broken it between the Arcane and Chosen, the two careers that have the most outright “magic/supernatural” in them. This allowed me to strip out some semi-useful filler Skills from each career, and I feel they’re a lot stronger. I’m also stripping out the overt religious overtones of the Devoted career, making it more of a “fanatical devotion to a cause” and thus more applicable to a wider variety of obsessive archetypes. It’ll be simply called the Fanatic career.

Furthermore, I’m currently looking at adding a Xenologist career, to provide tools in dealing with alien beings. The career will hopefully serve characters in diplomatic, combat and mercantile situations, depending on the skills chosen.

Current crop of careers:

– Arcane

– Chosen

– Fanatic

– Telepath

– Kinetic

– Augmented

– Xenologist (??? Still not sure about the name, open to suggestions for a punchier name)

Still open to career or skill ideas, or even just archetype suggestions. I hope to have a new batch of previews soon. Also, keep an eye on the community in the coming week for possible playtest news.


Another FBH Dev musing

Another FBH Dev musing

Another FBH Dev musing

Still working on Occult, which is all about change and alteration of matter. However, I’m faced with the sad truth that some skills are only good in theory, but are too narrow or to forceful to be useful. One such skill I have on the chopping block is Necromancy:

Necromancy: You may substitute flesh, blood and bone whenever you need to use materials or a Kit

There are a bunch of interesting combos with that, be performing Patch Up/Surgery with blood rather than a medical Kit, creating a Skull Bomb by using Tinker + Necromancy, synthesizing a cure within your own body using Chemistry + Necromancy, etc.

But how many players are going to be willing to play that character? Aside from the occasional actual Necromancer archetype, the skill’s own theme and flavor make it unsuitable to most archetypes as a secondary ability. In fact, I feel the flavor is so “strong” that it takes over. A skill like Necromany warps the character archetype, and becomes too demanding.

So yeah. Sorry Necromancy. You were a cool idea, but it’s the wrong game for you. =/

Random FBH Dev Journal

Random FBH Dev Journal

Random FBH Dev Journal

Was tackling the balancing issues of the concept of Polymorph/Shapeshifting last evening, (working on the Occultist career) and it really stumped me. Polymorphing can become the Swiss Army Knife of skills. It’s immensely versatile, to the point of invalidating other abilities. So it needs restrictions. However, simply locking down what the skill can do (say, by giving a list of what the caster can become) is unsatisfying and doesn’t really jive with the spirit of PbtA. Time-based usage limitations (can only use it once per day) also felt very clunky, and I hate tracking that kind of stuff.

What I was looking for was a way to grant flavorful shapeshifting, where the choice of shape is a deliberate, premeditated decision. I wanted something that had great versatility, but wasn’t unrestrained in usage. Finally, I wanted something that created combos with existing skills. Today it finally hit me:

Transform: Spend a Data Point about a subject to take on the physical properties of that subject (resistances, locomotion, vulnerabilities, etc). You cannot take on a form smaller than an insect or larger than twice your size.

EDIT! New design, after some considerations

Transform: You can take on the shape and physical characteristics (locomotion, size, vulnerabilities, etc) of a subject immediately after making an Assessment of it, or at any time by spending a Data Point about it. The subject cannot more than roughly four times smaller or larger than your natural form (mouse to elephant, roughly). You can return to your normal form at any point.. Transforming into something larger than the available area is a bad idea.

I’m still waffling about the size limit, but picking bacteria or a titanic space whale would make for situations outside the purview of the game. I wish I could come up with a cleaner way of conveying that concept though (totally open to suggestions)

Other than that, I’m actually quite excited about how many of my criteria this hits. It’s a built-in limiting factor because it has a resource. The limitation is flavorful, because it requires research, study and understanding of the subject to assume their form (Assessment as occult research). The resource itself is already part of the game, rather than being tacked on. And it combos well with other skills that interact with Data Points.

A couple of examples off the top of my head:

– A Clandestine Occultist can Interrogate someone and then impersonate them (Doppelganger).

– An Occultist Explorer can immediately take on the form of beasts in any wilderness they visit (Druid).

I’m sure there are more, which is why I’m quite excited about it.

Foreword: This is just idle speculation rather than concrete decision-making or anything.

Foreword: This is just idle speculation rather than concrete decision-making or anything.

Foreword: This is just idle speculation rather than concrete decision-making or anything.

I’ve been considering the impact of the two book stretch goals, and the order in which I chose to approach them. During the Kickstarter, I set Carta Galaxia to be the smaller of the stretch goals, to be unlocked first. Thus after UW was out the door, I began working on Carta right away. However, both personal gut-feeling and general commentary from community members have led me to wonder if I shouldn’t have started Far Beyond Humanity first.

I’m almost done the first pass of The Core quadrant of Carta, which is by far the largest. But the other 3 quadrants, and the general universe chapter, will still take a lot of time.

People are chomping at the bit to inject magic and robots into their UW games, and I realize that I’m missing an opportunity to have community playtesting done. Had I been smart (hah), I would have knocked out an Alpha version of FBH for people to play while I wrote Carta, then gathered that data to polish up the final product.

It might not be too late to attempt that, but it would require a conscious decision to put Carta aside and focus on at least getting a working prototype of FBH’s content out there into the hands of the community.


I’ve been toying with the way planets will be presented in Carta Galaxia.

I’ve been toying with the way planets will be presented in Carta Galaxia.

I’ve been toying with the way planets will be presented in Carta Galaxia. I’m hoping to make them deep enough without being intimidating/borning blocks of text. Here’s what I have so far, I was hoping I could get feedback about A) the general layout B) the amount of info given and C) the type of info given.

I’d also like to apologize for how slow I’ve been with Carta in general. Work has ramped up massively this past month (Damn you E3!) and I simply haven’t had the braincells/motivation to write after a long day at the office (what little energy I have when I come home is devoted to my son before we put him to bed, natch).