The PDF didn’t prepare me at all for how lovely the Urban Shadows book is in printed form (it just arrived in…

The PDF didn’t prepare me at all for how lovely the Urban Shadows book is in printed form (it just arrived in…

The PDF didn’t prepare me at all for how lovely the Urban Shadows book is in printed form (it just arrived in Ireland this morning). 

Time to get the old gaming group back together!

I find it uncanny that this dropped the day after the publication of the final version of the Urban Shadows PDFs.

I find it uncanny that this dropped the day after the publication of the final version of the Urban Shadows PDFs.

I find it uncanny that this dropped the day after the publication of the final version of the Urban Shadows PDFs.

More nitpicking.

More nitpicking.

More nitpicking.

Just noticed the Gaelic name of the first Fae corruption move, and I’m sorry to say but the phrase doesn’t actually make any sense in modern spoken Irish.

‘Gach’ means every, and ‘cumhachtach’ means powerful: as a compound, every powerful. Yeuch.

It could work if you use ‘cumhachtach’ on its own (Powerful), or you could have ‘gach cumhacht’, which would mean Every Power.

I’m surprised Penny Dreadful hasn’t been mentioned more in this community; it’s like the perfect example of a US…

I’m surprised Penny Dreadful hasn’t been mentioned more in this community; it’s like the perfect example of a US…

I’m surprised Penny Dreadful hasn’t been mentioned more in this community; it’s like the perfect example of a US game set in Victorian London: take a Vessel, an Aware, an Oracle, a Vampire (more than one, in fact!), a Hunter who turns out to be a Wolf, an Expert, and an Immortal, throw them into the teeming London underworld, and lo!, what emerges is a sometimes dark, sometimes kitschy, but always entertaining story of corruption and redemption.

#PennyDreadful   #London