Hello everyone

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,

Just trying to get my head around the system and being used to more crunchier games, I must say that its not obvious. Still, I like what I read and I sure want to explore the game a little more…and even run it.

This said, is there an game play example that uses known characters (Avengers, X-Men, etc) that I could use as a reference?


Hello all!

Hello all!

Hello all!

Just a quick question about “Defy Danger” as I am a little confused as to when should players use that move…

So, let’s assume that a PC is facing “Cuisine Art” the psychopatic “chef” that can control knives around him with his mind (telekinesis). I tell my PC that the “chef” is surrounded by a whirlwind of knives, essentially forming a blade barrier.

If my PC which to smash him physically, should he do a defy danger move first and then, if he succed, he can use his smash move?

How would that situation work? Should Defy Danger be the kind of move that opens other actions?

Ps: hey, i kinda like the “Chef”…he could well be the villain my kids will be facing next week!

Mister Administrator, can we get a “Villain of the Week” category so that people can post their most interesting…

Mister Administrator, can we get a “Villain of the Week” category so that people can post their most interesting…

Mister Administrator, can we get a “Villain of the Week” category so that people can post their most interesting villains with stats and background?

That way, we can all go there and get what we need for the next session…in an instance!

BTW, great product…I love it!

Hello Everyone, just got my copy and I am now absorbing the material as my boys (9 and 7) really want a run…this…

Hello Everyone, just got my copy and I am now absorbing the material as my boys (9 and 7) really want a run…this…

Hello Everyone, just got my copy and I am now absorbing the material as my boys (9 and 7) really want a run…this week-end.

I have a couple questions regarding consequences on PCs:

1) When an NPC targets a PC with an “attack”, how do you determine the severity of the consequence to assign?

This is especially true as, if I understand well, the Gm does not generate action, but throws PC in front of situation that could cause them harm.

So, if one of my PC is being attacked by “Destructo”, the evil power house, should I assume that if he succeed at his attack its at least a severe consequence? As the Gm does not roll dice, can I actually use the same moves as the PCs?

2) If you already have a minor consequence, is it bumped up to severe if you get another minor consequence?

How would you define powers with limitation?

This one is probably easy, but I have to ask. If your PC has a power with conditions, how do you fit it in the Power description (sorry, I am off with proper naming…just finished first reading)…

For example, my son wants to play a guys who gets stronger and tougher when he ‘eats’ fire…

PS: This game is fantastic for a “busy father” Game Master.