So I love cyberpunk and bought The Sprawl due to that.
So I love cyberpunk and bought The Sprawl due to that. I like what The Sprawl is trying to do. However, I have never used the Apocalypse World ruleset before, and I’m finding some of the vagueness of the rules to be quite frustrating.
1)What happens if a Killer’s custom weapon or (more likely) a driver’s vehicle or drones is destroyed? Do they get another one for free because it’s core to their playbook?
2)Speaking of a driver’s drones, I saw no armor options, even for a bear-sized “combat” drone. So does it simply take one or two hits to destroy any drone?
3)The book says you get twice the cred if you are “paid in full” and three times the cred if the job “pays well.” So what if neither happen? Is it 1.5x cred?
4)Reload for weapons says it takes an action. But this game isn’t broken down by action to action, like Dungeons & Dragons. So how would reloading even be a bad thing? The player Mixes It Up, I say you need to reload. The player says okay and reloads. Then he does another Mixes It Up.
5)Speaking of combat, I still have no idea how it works. The rulebook seemed to infer that a PC can kill multiple NPCs (that aren’t a crew) with one Mix It Up roll. I have no idea how that works, but okay. But with that, what advantage does Area provide? It seems like there is absolutely no advantage to Area.
I still have tons more questions, but I can’t remember them at the moment. I’m on my third re-read of the rulebook, so I’m sure something will come up soon.
And actually, I remembered another one now.
6)What is the advantage of buying gear with cred over simply using the [cred] option while on a mission? A rocket launcher costs something like 8 cred. That seems like a massive waste of cred when you can be on a mission and just use [gear] to say, “I had someone drop off a rocket launcher on the roof.” Bam. New rocket launcher for no cred.