I’m reading Angels of Music by Kim Newman, and I’ve learned that there is a character called La Marmoset from an…

I’m reading Angels of Music by Kim Newman, and I’ve learned that there is a character called La Marmoset from an…

I’m reading Angels of Music by Kim Newman, and I’ve learned that there is a character called La Marmoset from an 1882 book by Albert Aiken, who is a great detective and master (mistress) of disguise.

I read this and went: “that must be where Ben Lehman got the idea for the Marmoset Detective in Animal Crime/Apocalypse World LE playbooks! Did anyone know about this!?”

Then I remembered that it was a Marmot detective, not a marmoset, and realised there probably wasn’t a connection after all.

But hot damn I would have been impressed!

I dumped the Avengers into the Apocalypse World and watched as they were warped and twisted by the psychic maelstrom!

I dumped the Avengers into the Apocalypse World and watched as they were warped and twisted by the psychic maelstrom!

I dumped the Avengers into the Apocalypse World and watched as they were warped and twisted by the psychic maelstrom! Then Melissa (http://melissatrender.com/) illustrated it for me! Check it out.