Call for advice.

Call for advice.

Call for advice.

I am going to run AW 2nd edition at PAX East for strangers that probably don’t know the rules.

I plan to play one three hour block with each group, with the first session rules, and some ideas that hopefully fit into whatever world my players create.

What should I bring with me?

A great imagination,

Ability to say “Yes and…

Energy and enthusiasm to ensure a good time.

PDF version of the rules on my tablet, hopefully I can buy a hardcopy at PAX.

Dice and pencils for everyone.

3×5 cards that can represent NPCs, locations, threats, and other objects of import.

Some colored markers.

Are there any “smaller” character sheets?

What flavor text would you print out ahead of time to bring?

What parts of the PDF should I print out ahead of time?

Are there any other resources out there that already compile everything I should bring with me?

What else?
