I’m concerned my Stats are out of balance in my hack and am looking for advice.

I’m concerned my Stats are out of balance in my hack and am looking for advice.

I’m concerned my Stats are out of balance in my hack and am looking for advice.

In the hack I’m working on I call “Cool”, “Poise” and I call “Hot”, “Charm”, just so you know what I’m referring to.

In my hack all the Stats have two basic moves relating to them except Poise which only has one, and Charm which has three currently. Poise has “Walk Through Fire” (essentially similar to Do Something Under Fire). This is a fairly useful move for a lot of situations, but it still seems like Poise is a stat that compared to some others won’t seem very useful. On the other hand, all three of Charm’s moves are very useful. There’s Clear the Air which is a more social/interactive version of Read a Person, String them Along which is a more flavorful/thematic version of Seduce/Manipulate, and then there’s your Origin Move (would take too long to explain exactly how this works and isn’t necessary to be understood) which either lets you diffuse tense situations or call in outside help depending on your Origin.

Considering that each player currently will get three very useful moves that involve Charm, it seems like Charm is kind of overpowered. I’ve thought about giving a Charm move to Poise but the flavor seems off to me. Does anyone have any advice? Am I maybe too concerned with balance and should just let it be what it is, or is this a problem? Appreciate it.