The Brain

The Brain

The Brain

The Harbinger

The Soldier

I finally got a chance to take a look at the supplemental Playbooks through my Backer-kit.

I have to say that I LOVE these three way more than the previous supplemental Playbooks that have been published. I’m having a little trouble putting my finger on why but I think it’s because these three much better represent the characters I thought I might see represented in the others. Also, these character archetypes resonate with me much better.

The Brain is great at representing Tony Stark or Hank Pym, but I also think it does a 100% better job at representing Lex /Lena Luthor than the Reformed Playbook does.

The Soldier is a Playbook I can identify with because one of the Masks characters I’ve created, a Bull, would actually be much more aligned with the Soldier than with the Bull. You can also very clearly see the parallels between this Playbook and the cinematic Captain America, who is probably my favorite MCU character. This Playbook is also great for playing a character who is more like Colossus than Wolverine. It’s amazing how a shift in attitude and perspective can totally distinguish Playbooks that could be virtually identical in other types of games.

The Harbinger sings to me merely because Bishop is one of my top five favorite X-Men. And the parallels to Bishop and Cable is obvious, as is the inspiration from DCs Impulse and Booster Gold.

I also like the new Labels they have for the Soldier and the Harbinger. The Harbinger can choose whether or not they come from a dark future they want to avert or a bright future they want to preserve and their actions force the Future to move in either direction. That’s awesome! It’s a great way to distinguish The Harbinger from the Doomed. It could have been a really easy fix to give the Harbinger an analogous “Doom Track” to represent their actions shaping and re-shaping the future. But they went with this Label instead. Very cool, very elegant solution and really makes you feel like you’re playing someone who is impacting future imperfect history.

The Solider has a label called Soldier. It represents your loyalty to, the resources of, and the training by AEGIS. You can use this Label instead of any other for your actions by spending a point from the Team Pool as long as you are acting on orders or relying on your training. The theme of this Label echoes some of the moves the Outsider has access to, representing their loyalty to their people and being on Earth for a specific mission, but once again, making it a Label instead of a bunch of moves really distinguishes who the Soldier is.

And just so I don’t leave out The Brain. They have their Shame… something they are responsible for that threatens something they care about. Also, part of the playing the Brain is a little bit of an attitude or haughtiness because you KNOW you’re better than everyone else. This is what makes me think they are great representations for character that might otherwise be Reformed. Lex Luthor for example. But even someone like Emma Frost of the X-Men could be perfectly emulated with the Brain Playbook.

On the flip side, the Brain is also THE Playbook for playing young Tony Stark, Brainiac 5 and (my favorite) Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur! This is why the Brain wins for me over the Joined playbook. Instead of powers or abilities, you chose something you are known for. The list includes things that immediately remind you of Otto Octavius, Tony Stark, Hank Pym and the like. Then they had in the list “Robot Sidekick” and my mind just edited to “Dinosaur Sidekick” and BAM! Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur can finally be played in a Masks game with no fuss, no muss!


So, yeah, these new Playbooks are winning me over and I would always choose or recommend The Soldier, the Brain, or the Harbinger over the Reformed, the Star, the Joined, or the Newborn.

The Juggernaut is on the rampage!

The team is on the run from the government in their chopper when the news comes over the wire. Every radio station and tv station is reporting on the Juggernaut’s attack on a local power plant, stranding 60,000 people without power in the valley below! Feeling Insecure, Cyclops is reluctant to engage the threat. After the Sentinel incident was broadcast on the news, the X-Men were viewed as being dangerous freaks rather than saviors. Jean Grey has influence over Cyclops and she wants to convince him to get involved. She provokes him by reminding him of what his mentor would want. Cyclops does as Jean wants and takes the X-Men to engage the Juggernaut!

+1 Team to the pool

They arrive to see the Juggernaut chuck a military helicopter into the drink. The pilots are goners for sure, but Nightcrawler leaps into action to defend those soldiers! He’s successfully rescues the soldiers and gives a little wave to the tv news cameras. He can’t help it — he’s a happy-go-lucky delinquent. Then he vanishes in a puff of foul smelling smoke and rejoin his team.

+1 Team to the pool

They square up against Juggernaut at the top of the dam. The unstoppable mutant mocks them, calling out they their only children, they’re no threat, and that they need their “papa” Professor X there to help them. The X-Men reject his influence over them and attack in order to prove they are a threat!

The team is entering battle against a dangerous foe as a team: +2 to the Team pool. Cyclops is the recognized leader and he has Influence over every member of the team: +1 Team to the Pool. Everyone has the same purpose in the fight: +1 Team. The X-Men trust one another and they are always prepared. Their total Team pool for this battle is 7!

Nightcralwer goes first, leaping into the fray to directly engage the Juggernaut! His rapid teleportation is disorienting and surprises old Jug-head! Then Cyclops directly engages with Juggernaut, blasting him with his pure concussive force! Jean gives him a boost with her powers, enabling Cyclops to avoid Jug-head’s blows and take something from him: His footing! Cyclops blasts him, and with a little help from Iceman, they send him over the edge of the dam! The X-Men hide in order to get the drop on the Juggernaut… but now he’s a little insecure because these kids just sent him sprawling.

Spyke directly engages and he and the Juggernaut trade blows! Both of them are able to get out of the engagement unscathed! With a little more help from Iceman, Spyke makes the Juggernatu angry! and Shadowcat moves in to unleash her powers and trap the Juggernaut in a concrete wall!

Kitty is successful, the GM opts to make a hard move against her. Juggernaut lashes out fully intending to crush her! Shadowcat is afraid and immediately _runs away.

Meanwhile, the GM informs Scott and Jean’s players that the damage done to the dam is worsening and the water spewing from the cracks threatens to bring the whole thing down, flooding the valley below.

Jean goes to hold back the floodwaters, unleashing her powers! She wants to stop the flow, but it’s becoming a little bit harder than she thought… and just when she thinks her effect on the water is unstable or temporary, Iceman shows up and freezes the water so that the flow stops completely!

Iceman is really great for spending Team from the Pool!

Nightcrawler comes in again, rapidly teleporting around the Juggernaut to directly engage in his infuriating manner. They trade blows and Nightcrawler is able to create an opportunity for his allies by unbuckling the Juggernaut’s helmet. In the process, however, Juggernaut seizes Kurt in his crushing grip and then hurls him at Jean! They take a powerful blow and are now afraid!

Juggernaut breaks free from his concrete prison and lashes out at the kids again! “What are you tryin’ t’do? Embarrass me to death? C’mon, gimme your best shot!” Again, Cyclops rejects Juggernaut’s words and decides to embrace his recently upped Danger, eschewing the Savior his Mentor embodies. He blasts Juggernaut full force and is able to create an opportunity for his allies by knocking off the helmet!

Cyclops takes a powerful blow here and now Afraid. When the rest of the team sees what happens to Cyclops, they take a powerful blow and mark Angry. Nightcrawler, Spyke, and Iceman directly engage their rolls aren’t very good. They end up taking on some more Conditons.

Rogue decides to make her move. She’s going to defend Cyclops from Juggernaut because Scott’s about to get his head popped like a grape! Shadowcat spends Team from the Pool and helps her by surreptitiously positioning Rogue in the perfect spot to pounce. Rogue grabs Juggernaut, trying to absorb his powers and lifeforce, hoping he’ll release Scott. Her plan works, but she exposes herself to danger and now she’s the focus of Juggernaut’s attack!

Rogue directly engages with Juggernaut! Because she’s Thick and Thin Skinned and she’s Angry, she get’s +1 ongoing when she’s handling the Juggernaut! When the Juggernaut attacks, Rogue rolls 10+ and resists his blows with the fantastic strength she stole form him. This frightens him, and the GM marks his last Condition Afraid and since Iceman did nothing but help out his fellow teammates in this fight, his player gets the final narration of how the fight ends…

“Rogue backhands Juggernaut across the face and then picks him up and hurls him into the air! Then I come up and completely encase him in a hunk of ice where he splashes down into the river below!”

Masks: A New Generation

Masks: A New Generation

Masks: A New Generation

I’m a total newbie when it comes to Powered by the Apocalypse game. Being a back to the Kickstarter, I was able to download the pre-release, art free version of the core book for the game.

I’m on page 36 of the PDF and I just wanted to say that I love everything I’m seeing so far. The description about how to play this roleplaying as it being a conversation is perfect. My six-year-old daughter described her first experience with The Secrets of Cats in a similar way: We sit at the table and share our thoughts.

I totally love the backstory of Halcyon City. A megalopolis that is the “center of the world” when it comes to super powered shenanigans for some unknown reason. As a result, the city sports advanced sciences and magic, alien enclaves and architecture, and every type of living condition and person found in any part of the world.

The breakdown of the three generations of super heroes in Halcyon City is a great analog to comic book history. It even made me think of the books Generations and The Fourth Turning by demographers Neil Howe and William Strauss. I think that if this sort of discussion interests you and could inform your game, definitely read one of those books. The latter is extremely apt to the PCs of Masks: A New Generation.

Anyway, I’m off to read more and I’ll keep posting what I think as inspiration strikes me. Thanks for your time!

I know that the power choices for the playbooks is largely a suggestion and optional.

I know that the power choices for the playbooks is largely a suggestion and optional.

I know that the power choices for the playbooks is largely a suggestion and optional. When I look at each playbook and see how the powers fit in the playbook I can immediately recognize archetypal characters or my favorite characters from my favorite superhero media. With all that being said, I’m having a bit of trouble figuring out how someone with Multiple Man’s (Jaime Maddrox) power could fit into a playbook.

I’m thinking the Delinquent is the best fit and it would also be easy to fit the Legacy and the Beacon. What else do you guys think?