Been writing a Space Opera PbtA called Uncharted Worlds as a hobby/labor of love for a year or two now, and we’re…

Been writing a Space Opera PbtA called Uncharted Worlds as a hobby/labor of love for a year or two now, and we’re…

Been writing a Space Opera PbtA called Uncharted Worlds as a hobby/labor of love for a year or two now, and we’re reaching the home stretch. Trying to grow the community and get some visibility leading up to the Kickstarter and such, thought I’d post a link to the G+ community here, inviting you guys to check it out. Links to the latest alpha version  of #UnchartedWorlds  (0.83) and previews of the beta version are available there.

Welcome to the #UnchartedWorlds G+ community!

Welcome to the #UnchartedWorlds G+ community!

Welcome to the #UnchartedWorlds G+ community! The goal of this community is to spread the word about Uncharted Worlds and to communicate with the players at the various stages of development. I’ll be posting regular design updates, polling the community members for opinions and feedback, and other such stuff. I invite anyone interested to check out the alpha version of the rules (posted in the Links), and above all, feel free to provide comments, questions or feedback.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank Josh, the group’s volunteer curator and long-time playtester, as well as my gang of regular playtesters.