I was just reading the AW2 book at lunch and came across something saying the apocalypse happened 50 years ago.

I was just reading the AW2 book at lunch and came across something saying the apocalypse happened 50 years ago.

I was just reading the AW2 book at lunch and came across something saying the apocalypse happened 50 years ago. I tend to talk through all that with the players before starting so it’s different each time. It also makes for some really unique apocalypses which is also cool. However, that little statement about 50 years got me thinking. Has anyone played with that same timeframe while taking into consideration the life expectancy of fuel and ammo? Gasoline remains good for a few months or most of a year if you put a stabilizer in it. Diesel last around a year if kept dry though it can go a few months beyond that. Ammo can last a bit longer before it gets really dangerous coming in around the 10 year mark. If the apocalyplse happened 50 years prior to your game and there are no active refineries or people making powder for ammo, how would that make the game play? It would really hit the chopper, driver and gunlugger the hardest. How else would it change things?

Just an idea to spark some more unique apocalypse settings. 😉

Also, in general I just play with some hand-wavium and go for cinematic. There’s no sense in crippling some playbooks (especially the gunlugger my fave).