For people that may not know, I’m currently working (mostly just for fun) on a Police Procedural Drama hack for PbtA…

For people that may not know, I’m currently working (mostly just for fun) on a Police Procedural Drama hack for PbtA…

For people that may not know, I’m currently working (mostly just for fun) on a Police Procedural Drama hack for PbtA called The Unit that was inspired by a previous discussion started here by Alain Stephens. I figured I would mine the minds of my fellow APWorlders for help.

[Copied from a post in my G+ collection about the hack process]

What are some of the regular actions you see in Police Procedural Drama that would benefit from being translated as a Basic Move?

So far I have:

For Basic Moves:

Investigating a crime scene

Interrogating a suspect

Ordering someone to comply

Staying cool in a tense situation

Having a heart to heart moment with a colleague or NPC

For Paperwork Moves:

Deposit a requisition

Filling in a report to close a case

And a Harm Moves.

What’s missing here?

I’m planning a Con game for early 2017 and I wanted to get feedback from people that ran The Sprawl at a Con.

I’m planning a Con game for early 2017 and I wanted to get feedback from people that ran The Sprawl at a Con.

I’m planning a Con game for early 2017 and I wanted to get feedback from people that ran The Sprawl at a Con.

I’m half-tempted to start the game In Media-Res, in the middle of a mission by using a loveletter type setup and then offer flashback scene showing the legwork.

Should I rather keep the existing structure instead (Setup/Legwork/Action/Getting paid)?

How much of the missions should I commit to paper beforehand?

Should I go through the full game setup (Corporation creation and character creation)?

I think I will have 3-4 hours for the game. I’m affraid if we spend the first hour/hour and half setting the stage it will take too long to get to the action but then again if I prep everything beforehand, the players will have less investment in the fiction.

What has work for you?

PS: I might just have the pre-con jitters and might be looking at prep where there shouldn’t be some, except of course absorbing tons of cyberpunk media.

PPS: I write this while listening to the most cyberpunk music I know:

It’s full of chromed out synthguitar-wielding rock babe!

Any thoughts?

Any thoughts?

Any thoughts?

Originally shared by Vincent Quigley

I know that by design they are not made for that but has anyone tried to do an open table/revolving cast type game with PbtA/Apocalypse engine games?

What would need to be changed to do so? Which one would be the easiest to hack/modify to do so?

As a player, would it bother you playing in a game like that?