I have not yet played AW but when I finished reading it last week I was buzzing with excitement about getting an…

I have not yet played AW but when I finished reading it last week I was buzzing with excitement about getting an…

I have not yet played AW but when I finished reading it last week I was buzzing with excitement about getting an opportunity to. I would love to participate in any G+ hangouts where AW is being played, both to just play it and get a taste of how the MC/Player relationship works for when I run it with my group of gaming friends.

One thought on “I have not yet played AW but when I finished reading it last week I was buzzing with excitement about getting an…”

  1. Hey Seth, good to meet you. From what I hear, it plays pretty well over hang-outs. I played in a cool one-shot that went just dandy. Hopefully, you’ll find a game to join/watch, but I’d also say that it’s one of the easiest games to just jump in and run, so long as you’ve read the book.

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