


#ApocalypseWorld tonight. The Gunlugger missed a few sessions and so is not so connected to anything. He said his main goal for his character is to survive so the ratpeople will attack him i guess. Also Balls (mindfucker/perversion of birth) the owner of the Halfmoon-Shop (where basically everyone get’s food and water) will higher him as a new Bodyguard. This will allow me to show the players a bit more about the things Balls is doing behind everyones back. 

Bascially this is how i prep. I have a rough outline of threats but i prep only a few situations for every character. So i will have stuff to say. I don’t HAVE to have this situations come up but it is helpful. The situations also won’t have to resolve in any way. I jsut like to give people (hard/bad) choices. 

One thought on “repost”

  1. Sometimes I make my notes, like “Remember to set a fight for Wolf (Gunlugger)”, if in the last session I saw little violence, or “Put X and Y in the same scene”, and so on.

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