36 thoughts on “Sooo.”

  1. What would YOU know about it?  ;P

    Actually… I started to write out a big thing, but in the process of doing so, I reread the section and I think I may have resolved my questions myself.  I think I’m fine with it all now, actually.

  2. Ha!  I think it was just confusing on first read, possibly because I’d just woken up.  I was confused about exactly what the the actual Threshold was, as opposed to a given protected “space.”

    I guess I do still wonder: can the Solace move their personal space and their threshold whenever they want, as long as they are living there?

    Also, more a comment than a question: I find it interesting that it doesn’t provide any protection or help whatsoever if another PC takes violent action with a protected space.

  3. It protects their living space, so if they move their living space, then yes, their threshold moves with them.

    It does provide some protection from violent PCs, in the form of the penalty to rolls+hard.

  4. is there a typo in it then?  It says (in my file at least) “Whenever any player’s character within your threshold rolls+hot or rolls+weird, they

    subtract your threshold’s safety from the roll.”

    Should It be +hard instead of +hot?

  5. Ahh, okay. I thought it was slightly odd that it was +hot, but i chalked it up to enforcing honesty while within the threshold.

    The Solace comes with AW through the Epimas deal… I already had AW myself, but i gifted it (and so many other great things) to one of my older brothers and got it for myself in the bargain.

  6. what are you offering?  🙂  i’m not even saying that to be snarky… i’m not really sure what to ask for.  i believe i have all the AW LE playbooks… I think I have them all for Monsterhearts too…  Do you have any Monster of the Week LE playbooks?  there’s a few of those I could use…

  7. I created my master list of player-made playbooks for two reasons. 1) The trading community seems exclusionary, especially to new players. It feels like a nerdish clique where people who’ve made something can lord over others in the community who don’t have the time or resources to make something for the game. This leaves most gamers in the same position Adam is, as displayed in his comment above. 2) The guy who spams the forums the most looking for playbooks tried to get me to pay him for the playbooks that other people made and implied that he’s taken money from other people for playbooks before. And that is just bullshit.

  8. Patrick Henry Downs I am sorry to hear that, its pure BS, the trading was never meant to be like that and that dude is a douche for taking/expecting money for others people’s work.

    For me (and I think many others) the initial trade community was something the clicked the “gotta have’em all” lizard brain that gamers have and spurred a lot of creations that are out there, but it was all about create something for the community or donate to help make the world better not lord over the new guys with all our cool toys.

  9. Yes, I’m aware there are many (many!) fan made AW playbooks, but these are mostly freely available, are they not?  No real reason to trade for them…

    Personally, I also dislike, for the most part, the trading, but I’m loathe to tell Vincent he can’t try to keep them semi-exclusive if he wants to (not that he’d have any reason to listen to me in any case)… in practice, I’ve never found it very difficult to get any of the ones I was missing (and for what it’s worth, and for those who may not know, all the “official” LE books that I know of for AW are included in the Epimas AW files…)

  10. Judging from forum posts in early 2011, the idea of making and trading playbooks fed into the theme of the game: fundamental scarcity. Which is cute, but the game has been out for two years now and we don’t all actually live in the apocalypse, to hold fan-made stuff back from new players just seems silly to me. In contrast, the OSR community is overflowing with people who’ve made extra bits and bobs for their favorite games and we fall over ourselves sharing them with other gamers.

  11. I definitely see Patrick Henry Downs’ point about it being difficult to break in without something fresh that the community wants. I’ve found that if you’re playing a PbP with someone who has them, you can usually break in pretty easily with just one new playbook (or an act of random kindness if you’re lucky). 

    I feel weird offering my own work in exchange for one of Vincent’s LE playbooks — it’s not that I wouldn’t accept anyone else’s craft in a trade, as a matter of fact I’d do just that in a heartbeat. I just don’t feel like I can put my work on the same pedestal as Vincent’s. I’m not a game designer by trade, so I’m still dawdling in the starting zone of game hacks. It’s kind of weird I feel this way I guess, considering nobody loses anything in the trade… Maybe I should meditate a little harder on this…

    So to the end of reducing the difficulty required to break into the community: I probably should mention that I also have all the other LE playbooks (Maestro’d through Marmot), and would happily trade any of them for it so that I don’t promulgate the idea that we in the AW community are hoarders (which, by the by, I also have a playbook for wink). I offered (and don’t mind) donating to charity because of Vincent Baker’s comment about Epimas being about giving.

  12. I thought all of the LE playbooks come with the game now. If you’ve bought the pdf then you can just download them from the Forge. That’s how I got the Marmot, the Hoarder, the Touchstone, the Quarantine and the Maestro’d.

  13. Huh… yeah.  I mean, I got the pre-release version of AW way back when from preordering it, and I was hanging around the Barf Apocalyptica forums a lot then (much less so these days…) and I have some semi-vague memories of the early discussions about the trading of LE playbooks…  and yeah, I thought it was mostly “trade!” too… I mean, I have been known to “trade” the playbooks I have copies for in exchange for a polite request and a thank you, and I felt pretty confident you wouldn’t care if you knew, but I wasn’t aware it was officially sanctioned behavior.

  14. but let me put it out there then… while i’d encourage anyone who wants the Solace to consider gifting AW to someone for Epimas before it’s over, I’m more than willing to share it.

  15. Hallo everybody. I was pretty sure I had all LE playbooks (I brought them with the core PDF), but I notice I miss Solace! :O

    How can I have it? I can trade it for some good unofficial playbook.

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