Does anyone have any good Monster of the Week one-shots? I want to run a demo for my Encounters group but horror really isn’t my genre and I need some ideas.
Does anyone have any good Monster of the Week one-shots?
Does anyone have any good Monster of the Week one-shots?
I ran two episodes (four sessions) as a demo for my group using slightly fleshed out versions of the examples in the MotW book; the Mongolian Death Worms and the Haunted House. We had a blast!
I fleshed out the Haunted House adventure mostly by asking questions, and using Google. My players decided that the Haunted House was in (I sh*t you not, it’s a real town) Golconda, IL. Thanks to Google Maps I had the lay of the land, picked a likely house from the aerial view, and could even find the cemetery where the former owner was buried. Searches turned up local color like the historical preservation society, the only decent local restaurant, and an architectural antiques buyer(for the players to impersonate). It flowed incredibly easily. I amplified the role of the rats in the adventure a bit when the Monstrous used mind control to force a waitress at the restaurant to relive a High School memory of acting on a dare and trying to stay overnight in the house.
If you’ve got no inspiration, go for a classic/cliche: a vampire has come to town, murderous ghosts are haunting a person/house, that sort of thing. Especially for a fairly quick one-shot, having the monster being something they’ll all recognise right away is good.
(Daniele Di Rubbo, Francesco D’Arcadia, Paolo Bosi)
With a bit of delay, let me share with you this one-shot mystery I wrote for a demo. It’s also good as a first session mystery.
There is also this mystery by Paolo Cecchetto:
Thanks, I’ll check those out!