I’m just going to flat-out lift this bit I wrote in 2010 from the forum straight:

I’m just going to flat-out lift this bit I wrote in 2010 from the forum straight:

I’m just going to flat-out lift this bit I wrote in 2010 from the forum straight:

“I like the idea of playing ‘normal’ off ‘apocalyptica’ – maybe the weather’s just dandy most days, but every couple weeks there’s a day when the sky goes orange from pollution, or the wind brings such enticing scents that people do stupid shit, or the fog is so thick with maelstrom that going out in it is rolling weird+2 right there.”

I really want to expand on this idea for when I run my next game, because it’s so full of potential in my head!

4 thoughts on “I’m just going to flat-out lift this bit I wrote in 2010 from the forum straight:”

  1. Sounds very cyclic. Get everything out to the site, build a bit, and then race to get everything back to the bunker and battened down. Maybe there’s enough time to walk to the other bunker but if you don’t leave within twenty-four hours, you’re stuck there for the next month.

  2. I really dig the idea of an apocalypse that feels like a boon. 99% of the population gone makes for a world of plenty for the remaining people. The world is an eternal vintage store that has clothes, food and weapons up to the expiration date.


    * who controls the plenty and what do they do to keep it?

    * how do you (or did you) avoid the fate of the 99%?

    * if resources are plenty, but people are scarce, what happens when you meet someone new?

    * WTF is going on with the Psychic Maelstrom in that set up? How does it drive you and in what direction?

  3. Oh! What happens as the food stores run thin? Was it a 1 out of a hundred people survived, scattered across the globe, or one city survived? Or no cities survived?

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