New Playbook (just Text, Tri-Fold will come)

New Playbook (just Text, Tri-Fold will come)

New Playbook (just Text, Tri-Fold will come) 

It isn’t something completly unique or so, more of a combination of AW Driver and DW Ranger but hey, you have something to play with.

I will give the tri-fold out when it is ready. It would be cool if someone could shoot me the Hollow and Selkie (Monsterhearts Skins) for it. 


The Master of Hounds 

We contain ruthless predators within, call them wolf or ambition or rage but it is there. Only with full control of this wolf can we survive. That’s why we have laws to not be on each others throats at all time. Alphas make these laws and the other packmembers follow. Law is all that seperates us from the howling within. 

But law, to far removed from the beast makes us weak. We loose our claws and our fur falls out so we are cold and without weapons.

The only law that makes us strong it the one close to the beast. Pack law.

I am this law

Homo homini lupus.   


Argos, Fang, Ace, Toto, Lockjaw, Beethoven, Hooch, Marley, Rex, Bolt, Lassie

Sonya, Beau, Concorde, Flash, Hidalgo, Spirit, Artax, Cisco, Rigel, Pokey

Nala, Marlin, Sarafina, Kenai, Naveen, Sadie, Flik, Remy

Lams, Sheba, Friskies, Felix, Milk-Bone, Winalot, Kibbles, Avoderm, 



Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot+1 Sharp-1 Weird=0

Cool +1 Hard +2 Hot+2 Sharp=-1 Weird=-2

Cool +0 Hard +2 Hot=+1 Sharp+1 Weird=-1

Cool +2 Hard +2 Hot=0 Sharp=-2 Weird=-1


You get all the basic moves. You get Command and then choose a second Master of Hounds Move 


Everyone introduces their characters by name, look and outlook. Take your turn. 

List the other characters‘ names.

Go around again for Hx. On your turn

Tell everyone else Hx -1, you don‘t really get people individually. 

On the others‘ turns: 

Everyone, if they belong to a gang, have followers or something similar, whatever number they tell you, give it +1 and write it next to the character‘s name

*Choose one of them who was with you, when you tamed your first beast whatever number  this player tells you, give it +1 and write it next to the character‘s name 

*Choose one player who attacked one of your animals recently, whatever number this player tells you, give it +1 and write it next to the character‘s name 


man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing

fur clothes, shredded clothes, leather clothes, 

circus animal trainer clothes, showy clothes

Scarred face, animalistic face, tattooed face,

rugged face, busted face

hawklike eyes, squinting eyes, weary eyes, mad eyes

hounded eyes 

hard body, overbuilt body, scarred body, crooked body 


In addition to your pack of animals you get 

* oddments worth 2 barter 

* one animal control weapon

* one people control weapon

animal control weapon, choose 1 

Tranquilizer Gun (s-harm far  reload) 

A whip (1 harm hand  close)

A heavy chain (2 harm hand area)

human control weapon, choose 1

.38 Revolver (2 harm close reload loud) 

Machete (3 harm hand messy) 

Sawed-off (3 harm close reload messy)


You have a pack of 3-12 violent animals 

Choose the kind of animal








Choose of these profiles: 

Ferocity +2, health +1, 1-Armor Instinct+1  

Ferocity +2, health +2, 0-Armor Instinct+1 

Ferocity +1, health +2, 1-Armor Instinct+1 

Ferocity +2, health +1, 2-Armor Instinct+2 

Choose as many strengths for the animals in your pack as their ferocity: 

fast,  huge, strong, quick reflexes, tireless, camouflage, intimidating, keen senses, stealty, omnivore

Your pack is trained to attack and kill people, choose as many other trainings as their health

search, hunt, scout, guard, perform, labor, travel, steal,  

Choose as many weaknesses as their Instinct

flighty, savage, slow, broken, frightening, forgetful, stubborn, lame, mad, sickly



When you work with your pack of animals in something they are trained in 

and you do something under fire, add their ferocity to your roll

and you go aggro add their ferocity to your roll

and you seize by force, add their ferocity to your roll

and you read a situation or pack, add their ferocity to your roll

and you seduce someone,  add their help to your roll

and you take harm, you can add their armor to your armor but they take the harm you know…

If you work with your animals and someone interferes with you, they add their instinct to their roll 

O Well trained 

Chose another training for your pack of animals

O _Pack orde _

When you read a group of people roll+hard

* Who is the pack alpha 

* Who is the pack omega

* How can I damage this pack

* Who in this pack is easiest to manipulate 

Who is fighting with the pack alpha for power 

O Security in numbers 

When you open your brain to the psychic maelstorm and are in the protection of your pack of animals you can roll+hard instead of +weird

O Primal Howl

When you howl like a beast that stalks the night you get the effects of going aggro on all enemies within earshot with the demand being “flee in terror”. If they suck it up they take s-harm.

O Animal Speak 

You can talk to animals and can use moves on them like on humans and they get +insight


When you have sex with someone they smell a bit like you (and you will smell a bit like them). They can use the Command move once 


get +1 hard (+3)

get +1 sharp (+2)

get +1 cool (+2)

take another Master of Hounds move

take another Master of Hounds move

take a move from another playbook

take a move from another playbook 

get a breeding pit and training ground where you can work on animals like on tech

get a real gang(detail) and pack alpha

you get a herd of livestock(alive, valuable), 2 gigs and moonlighting. One gig      must be “tending your herd(2 barter/they are gone) “

21 thoughts on “New Playbook (just Text, Tri-Fold will come)”

  1. Dude, one of the animal control weapons needs to be a cattle prod.

    I dig the sex move, it’s pretty awesome. Although command is nutso strong. I like it, but it gives bonuses to everything. Sure it’s like the driver, but the driver has shitty stats without his car to balance it out.

  2. I can see a point for giving him Driver like stats yeah. 

    The driver has to be in a car

    The MoH has to have his animals with him and a proper training and description of how they help. 

    A lot depends on the fiction and how his beasts are seen in the hardhold. 

    Command is basically the same move in DW. 

    I also think the shitty Sharp is a bit of a nerf to the MoH. Shitty hard sucks hard. The only other ‘book with shitty sharp is the Maestro’D by the way. 

  3. Depends. I was planning on buying an Adobe suite just so I could start making trifolds, but I cracked a tooth two nights ago and I have to visit my dentist. If nobody else gets around to it before me, I will definitely make a trifold for it. There just might be a bit of a wait, I don’t like to spend money on luxe gear until I’ve finished taking care of my +wants.

  4. “and you seduce someone,  add their help to your roll”

    Is help a typo or am I missing something?

    Also, on first reading through, I’m inclined to swap the well trained move with the breeding pit advancement; I’d be interested to know how you picked what goes where.  And I don’t exactly get the herd of livestock advance, but seeing that makes me think that maybe your pack should come with moonlighting and nothing but the obligation gig of feeding your pack or something. 

  5. It’s health yes. Typo. 

    Workshops are normaly advancements. At least for the Driver or Juggernaut. The angel get’s it as a Move. It doesn’t change much either way i think. 

    Having the pack with moonlighting makes no really sense in my mind and would require the playbook to be massively cool and not hard. 

  6. Well there are some moves that just don’t make sense to pick up some time. No Shit Driver without a vehicle, Wealth without a hardhold, Moonlighting without juggling and gigs. 

    I also wanted to give people the chance to pick up a new training without that much hassle. Every other training you want you have to use the juicy Workspace move. 

  7. Hey Alex Trépanier i increased the instinct on the second and third animal statblock. increasing the weaknesses. They should be important. 

    This is kinda the other way arround from the driver. Better statblock, but more problems using his stat booster. I think this could work. I have to test this in play and that will take 1-2 more weeks before this works. 

  8. and now i can write a Cowboy inspired bluerp. How fortunate that i have like 0 experiences with westerns beside a german comedy western and McClouds Daughters. A show about australian Cowgirls…

  9. Are the Hx+1’s meant to stack? The way it’s written it kind of seems to me that somebody who has followers (a Hocus?) would get a +1 and then you could choose them to have been there when you first tamed a beast, giving another +1. You could end up getting Hx+4 with somebody during character creation.

    It seems like the first part of this, concerning gangs and followers, should get dropped.

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