So, G+ hangout players, is there a dice roller app that you use? If so what? If not, what would you want in one?

So, G+ hangout players, is there a dice roller app that you use? If so what? If not, what would you want in one?

So, G+ hangout players, is there a dice roller app that you use? If so what? If not, what would you want in one?

10 thoughts on “So, G+ hangout players, is there a dice roller app that you use? If so what? If not, what would you want in one?”

  1. I think Roll the Dice is just fine for AW-based games. The only problem is it’s mutually exclusive with Lower Third, so you can’t see your PC’s name and the dice you roll at the same time.

  2. I’ve got something of a Goldilocks problem in this department. I’ve fiddled with the “fatter” G+ virtual tabletops (Roll20, TabletopForge), but would like to find something that’s more focused on the dice aspect.  The hangout apps that I’ve tried that are ‘just dice” tend not be as streamlined as I’d like (they seem to be more about a visual representation of the dice, but without doing something useful with them). I really prefer something with a dice macro style like Maptool, but without the cruft of having to deal with a standalone java application like Maptool.

  3. I use table top forge in conjunction with Google Docs. I mostly play games like Apoc World or Burning Wheel via G+. They are not tactical combat games so I don’t care about a map tool. I would love to see a feature that did Duel of Wits and “Fight” from burning wheel and would automatically tell you what the modifier was based on the players volley choices. Also a way of tracking game currency such as Fate or Artha or Action Points or whatever.

  4. Oh another dice feature that would be cool. I would love to play “Don’t Rest Your Head” on G+ but you have a dice pool of D6’s of different colors. Depending on what is rolled in each color you will have different results at the table. Currently you can roll D6’s and D8’s or whatever, in some apps you can choose the color of the dice. However I don’t know that you can roll 3 black D6’s, 2 Red D6’s and 5 White D6’s.

  5. While dice rollers such as catchyourhare are perfectly fine, I was wondering about g+ hangout integrated rollers in particular. I’m not sure if that’s where Nathan Black was coming from though.

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