I’m working on The Aware and The Expert this week, the two mortal playbooks, and I am struggling with ideas for…

I’m working on The Aware and The Expert this week, the two mortal playbooks, and I am struggling with ideas for…

I’m working on The Aware and The Expert this week, the two mortal playbooks, and I am struggling with ideas for corruption moves for these playbooks. Do you feel the corruption mechanic applies to these playbooks or should I find a variant for them? If you like corruption tagged to these playbooks, do you have any recommendations? Thanks!

7 thoughts on “I’m working on The Aware and The Expert this week, the two mortal playbooks, and I am struggling with ideas for…”

  1. Castle is such an amazing show. The pacing and structure of each episode is super tight. Would love to run a investigation type scenario like this. 

  2. There is a Move in the MH Mortal. Something about you poking your nose in things not meant for your kind. Would work good on the Aware i think. 

    Already there 🙂 

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