Today seems like a good day to meet some more awesome storytellers.

Today seems like a good day to meet some more awesome storytellers.

Today seems like a good day to meet some more awesome storytellers.

Many moons ago (as i am often fond of saying) a call went out to gather a grand list of those goodly gamers who sit down and run all of those wonderful games that we all enjoy so much.

The project was called Mapping the Dungeons, and i as someone who is always on the look out for more fantastic and wonderful people to add to my gaming circles have picked up the torch.

I am again putting forth the call to you the goodly google gamer to let me know who your favorite GM / DM / MC / Storyteller is so that i may expand my map o’ the dungeons of the interwebs.

At the moment i have a list of 95 peoples who bring dragons to life, barf forth apocalypta, Decloak Romulan battle fleets and generally cause the gleeful rolling of dice.

After each itteration of asking for names i post this circle of wizards of all things polyhedral for the greater enjoyment of all. I see this as a list of the who’s who of internet gaming and a brain trust of such creativity as to make one believe in miracles.

So join me on my quest to #mappingthedungeon   and share with us the people that have been missing from our gaming tables.

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