I’m out recruiting for a bit of gamery goodness.

I’m out recruiting for a bit of gamery goodness.

I’m out recruiting for a bit of gamery goodness.

Originally shared by Jonathan Henry

Hey there folks!

I am interested in putting together a bit of a group for some Apocalypse World goodness.

At the moment i am not married to any specific day. Monday and Saturday are the only days in which i have late night appointments with adventure.

All are welcome as i gauge interest in a dystopian view of the end of the world after party.


It’s Thor’sday!

It’s Thor’sday!

It’s Thor’sday!

It’s that day of the week i normally come up with some sort of hammer related pun in order to segway into talking about games!

Tonight it happens again. More gamery goodness with souls that share similar interests!

Come on down and get into more games!

Originally shared by Jonathan Henry

Welcome to our 3rd year of gamery goodness!

Come one, come all to the Giant Dragons Gamer Chat!

If you don’t know what gaming in hangouts is all about, come on down.

If you don’t know what games are happening tonight or this week, come on down.

If you want to run a game and need gamers, come on down.

If you want to play in a game and need a group, come on down.

Each week Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 6PM EST (GMT/Zulu -5) I will be talking gaming with the good people of Google gaming and hope to see some new people come on down and get some games together with each other.

We will discuss all things gamer related and generally have a good time in each others company.


It seems every time have have a good idea for a new rules and setting variant for AW, somebody else has already done…

It seems every time have have a good idea for a new rules and setting variant for AW, somebody else has already done…

It seems every time have have a good idea for a new rules and setting variant for AW, somebody else has already done a bang-up job of it.

This morning i thought “Vikings!” and one google search later. BAM.

Instant Awesome.

For a great GM on GM Day I put together a set of playbooks for Star World.

For a great GM on GM Day I put together a set of playbooks for Star World.

For a great GM on GM Day I put together a set of playbooks for Star World.

It’s a simple first draft, but i like something handing out trifolds for each Powered By The Apocalypse game.

Somebody else did all the heavy lifting, i just turned them into trifolds for my game tonight.



In my Apocalypse Galactica game one of the players started off as the Captain of a different ship.

In my Apocalypse Galactica game one of the players started off as the Captain of a different ship.

In my Apocalypse Galactica game one of the players started off as the Captain of a different ship. During the first session he showed his prowess and history on the bridge of a battlestar and became the loyal XO.

We talked about his character today and i tried to make a playbook for him.

This is my first whack at a Playbook for Sean Nittner’s awesome skin. Let me know what you think.

All of this has happened before.

All of this has happened before.

All of this has happened before.

Today it happens at 4PM EST.

Originally shared by Jonathan Henry

All hands to battle stations!

Come play a Powered by the Apocalypse creation of Sean Nittner!

Apocalypse Galactica!

The cylons are at your back, the colonies are shattered and the lone surviving Battlestar is the last and only hope for humanity.

Join us in a day of high adventure as you take part as the cast and crew in this fast and furious storytelling game.

All of this has happened before.

All of this will happen again.

So say we all.


Well i got a bit blind sided tonight.

Well i got a bit blind sided tonight.

Well i got a bit blind sided tonight.

What with personnel issues and all.

But i am back on track.

Tonight at 9.

The year is 1944.

June 5th.

On an airfield in southern England the men of the newly formed 101st Airborne wait to be dropped into Hitler’s Fortress Europe.

Welcome to 2nd Platoon, Airborne.

We may not have much of a history, but we have an rendezvous with destiny.

Come Play the Regiment.

A powered by the Apocalypse Game.

Today seems like a good day to meet some more awesome storytellers.

Today seems like a good day to meet some more awesome storytellers.

Today seems like a good day to meet some more awesome storytellers.

Many moons ago (as i am often fond of saying) a call went out to gather a grand list of those goodly gamers who sit down and run all of those wonderful games that we all enjoy so much.

The project was called Mapping the Dungeons, and i as someone who is always on the look out for more fantastic and wonderful people to add to my gaming circles have picked up the torch.

I am again putting forth the call to you the goodly google gamer to let me know who your favorite GM / DM / MC / Storyteller is so that i may expand my map o’ the dungeons of the interwebs.

At the moment i have a list of 95 peoples who bring dragons to life, barf forth apocalypta, Decloak Romulan battle fleets and generally cause the gleeful rolling of dice.

After each itteration of asking for names i post this circle of wizards of all things polyhedral for the greater enjoyment of all. I see this as a list of the who’s who of internet gaming and a brain trust of such creativity as to make one believe in miracles.

So join me on my quest to #mappingthedungeon   and share with us the people that have been missing from our gaming tables.