5 thoughts on “Just curious.”

  1. You mean like board games and card games and such? Ones in heavy rotation around here are:

    Uno http://www.amazon.com/Mattel-42003-Uno-Card-Game/dp/B00004TZY8

    Spot It http://www.blueorangegames.com/spotit/

    Squint http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3595/squint

    Smash Ups http://www.alderac.com/smashup/about/

    Dungeon Fighter http://www.craniocreations.com/en/boardView.php?id=2

    Carcassonne Hunters & Gatherers http://www.riograndegames.com/games.html?id=49

    Zero (airplane dogfights in WWII) http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2247/zero

    By this you can tell we have a youngest child who only learned to read in the last year, and so lots of our family games are still pre-reading.

    Vincent really likes the game Keep Cool http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/14698/keep-cool and other super-thinky strategy games.

    I really like Cranium and Pictionary and Taboo and Encore and things like that which involve an active component. I like Jungle Speed but we don’t own it.

    We periodically go on card-playing streaks and try all sorts of traditional and obscure trick-taking games.

    We tell a lot of jokes and play a lot of riddle games like 20 Questions and Who Am I? and Mini Mysteries (of the “There’s a person dead in a room with fifty-one bicycles. How did they die?” sort).

    We have a HUGE array of padded PVC weaponry that gets used year-round, mostly by the kids, and in the summer we set up a badminton net in the yard. We play a mean (read: fun and silly) game of Baker Baseball, which involves lots of invisible players and some wacky batting rules. Also sometimes a variable number of bases.

    There’s various video games too of course, like all the Lego games for the wii, and Minecraft for the whole family (except I very rarely play). The older boys and I play Guild Wars 2, Vincent  plays Star Wars Battlefront, and the middle son plays Portal and Half-life enough that there’s a general family awareness of them.

  2. I am a big fan of dominion.  I own many other games but that is the most common one I play.  Citadels is nice for pulling out something that doesn’t take much space.  I play the occasional video game, but I haven’t been big into that stuff since the 90’s.  Unfortunately my social life has been rather limited recently which means not many opportunities to play much.

  3. I was a development tester for Star Wars Battlefront. I played so many hundreds of hours of that game… Some people get ringing in their ears, I would litterally lay down and close my eyes at night with pew pew pew in my ears. It was worth it for the Pandemic v Lucasarts playtest / grudge matches though.

    I have some friends that make a machinima series based on it:


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