PAX East: they haven’t released a schedule yet, but I’ll be there all three days.

PAX East: they haven’t released a schedule yet, but I’ll be there all three days.

PAX East: they haven’t released a schedule yet, but I’ll be there all three days. If anybody reading this is attending I would love the opportunity to sit down at a table and play a one-shot of Apocalypse World. Any takers?

6 thoughts on “PAX East: they haven’t released a schedule yet, but I’ll be there all three days.”

  1. I’ll be running stuff for GoD (I’ve never done it before but its how I got my badge) and Apocalypse World will, in theory, definitely be something demandable of me. I should probably print out a set of the playbooks, huh…. And Dungeon World and Monsterhearts. Man, my poor printer.

  2. Excellent! Maybe I’ll finish that “Kill Rolfball” scenario I’ve been noodling with where the MC love letters are all no-so-secretly just the Dark Fates from The Mountain Witch.

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