20 thoughts on “http://nerdwerds.blogspot.com/2012/12/all-of-playbooks.html”

  1. such a great page.  the only thing that would be better is if we could somehow get community ratings of fan-made playbooks.  i’m always a little hesitant to introduce a new book that i know nothing about other than that the concept looks cool, but if i knew there was a strong consensus that one rocked…

  2. I think this would be great Brian Peters, but it is really hard to do. I could tell you which playbooks i would use in my game and which one not and why but this wouldn’t really help that much i think.

    Patrick Henry Downs could you put Monsterhearts and Monster of the Week and all the hacks that have “a lot” of stuff and publicity above the

    “Other Hacks & Conversions” line? Would make it easier for people to see that there are for example Monsterhearts Skins in there.

    I will also check my back history again today and send you some links to Dungeon World stuff i think.  

  3. It’s nice being able to access a bunch of stuff in one place but the original post always kind of bugged me – totally not my experience with trading playbooks at all.  Usually a nice letter, the offer to write someone a custom move, or a nice letter in the form of a custom move was enough for someone to send me a copy of a requested playbook. 

    (No offense Patrick Henry Downs, your experience may have been very different in other parts of the internet)

  4. Speaking of what’s not already a Playbook, it would be nice to see a breakdown of the official (plus other) Playbooks by summary (possibly just the intro text) and primary stat.

    I noticed that officially there are 5 Hard Playbooks, 4 Weird ones, 3 Cool Ones, 3 Hot Ones, and 2 (plus the Marmot) Sharp Ones.

    My less scientific sense of unofficial Playbooks is that Weird is most common, followed by Hot and Hard.

  5. None taken Marshall Miller . My experience was very much that I was a newb and didn’t really know what I was doing, so I had nothing to share and I didn’t feel comfortable writing anything yet, then the first few people I interacted with while looking for playbooks were jerks. My viewpoint was that if a person doesn’t have the time or inclination to write something then they were likely never going to get to trade for anything, or even get to see what other people had done. I assumed that probably cut a lot of gamers out of the loop. I really only started getting active about it so that I could bring more options to my gaming group, the other gamers in my group felt it was a silly and wasteful endeavor trying to track all of these playbooks down.

    That’s a great idea Tim Groth , I’ll put something together! (Though I think there are only 11 “official” playbooks. The others Vincent wrote are “limited edition” playbooks.)

  6. Tim Groth The Grotesque is a mutant yes. Think: ghouls from Fallout. It’s surprisingly open-ended though. You can make something really twisted and weird, or you can make something slightly creepy and “off.”

  7. Thanks Patrick. I keep thinking of Under a Serpent Sun for it.

    I was counting any Vincent Baker Playbook as official. The base ones are 2 Cool, 3 Hard, 1 Hot, 2 Sharp, and 3 Weird.

  8. It isn’t. Somebody suggested that I give a certain joke playbook to a certain game author so I’m trying to clean that up and get rid of all that empty space where Hx and Look and Gear should be.

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