Tired of watching all the other warriors slay the Orcs?

Tired of watching all the other warriors slay the Orcs?

Originally shared by Nicholas Bronson

Tired of watching all the other warriors slay the Orcs? Dream of gold and glory, but the adventures all happen in the middle of the work-day?  Did the barmaid laugh at your weapon proficiency – short sword?  Can’t help with the last, but if you’re in the Asia Pacific time zones and you want your tabletop rpg fix, you owe it to yourself to join us here at APAC headquarters.

We’re all about helping people in the APAC zones organise their online rpg games, with games running the system gamut from independant story-based games like dungeon world, to the modern gaming of Pathfinder, to the OSR fun of old-school traveller and retroclones.  Theres something for everyone, pass the word!