Michael Sands, have you seen the Space Marine Mammal?

Michael Sands, have you seen the Space Marine Mammal?

Michael Sands, have you seen the Space Marine Mammal? If so, do you think it would be breaking anything to have The Juggernaut player use the walkingsuit options for their mech instead of what’s on the back panel of their trifold (because of the whole power, agility statlines thing)?

I’m interested in a mech apocalypse (sans dolphins for now), and I like the depth of the moves for powering up and powering down the walkingsuit, but I dunno if mix and matching breaks some sort of super awesome balance the Juggernaut has going on.

Thoughts, Vincent Baker?

3 thoughts on “Michael Sands, have you seen the Space Marine Mammal?”

  1. I haven’t seen the Space Marine Mammal, but my guess is it will be fine. The Juggernaut is all about being fearsome in your side but kinda lost when it’s off, and having more options for the suit is unlikely to change that!

  2. Sure you can, Tim Franzke! I don’t mean replace all of the options.

    I just mean, the Juggernaut’s Strength and Weakness are just tags as far as I can tell, right? Meanwhile the walkingsuit rules have Power and Agility as mech stats (like the driver’s car has stats) you roll when operating the mech.

    So, One option for combining these is to treat the Juggernaut’s suit’s “Strengths” as the +1 for the walkingsuit’s Power and Agility moves. Easy peasy and simple. Use the juggernaut as is an just add the walkingsuit moves as Custom Moves for my campaign.

    With this option, obviously the Juggernaut has the option to get a Savvyhead or the equivalent to add another Strength and increase the stat in the process.

    Another option is to straight up tell the player that their suit doesn’t have Strengths or Weaknesses, but instead hand them the walkingsuit sheet and let them use that whole thing in place of the default suit.

    Just some ideas for making both awesome mech supplements work.

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