Running AW (or any game) can be tough if you’re imagination runs out of gas. Hence, ApocWords (, which is the beginning of a digital assistant to run in a browser.
It’s very much just a test project at this point, but I have a much more comprehensive vision sketched out. If this is something you might find useful, I’d love any and all suggestions, comments or questions you might have about this. If you don’t think it would be useful, let me know why and what would be useful for you along these lines.
I should clarify that the format and styling of the site itself is very much a work in progress as well. And it’s designed to use the newest browsers.
That is glorious.
Cool idea… I’m confused as to why I get a 2d6 result every time I press any button except NPC, though.
Same issue here.
A “clear” button would be nice as well…
Adam… I’m still building the app, so some of the functionality is just place holder code.
Igor… good idea, thanks.
Michael Bay, great idea especially for those one off games. Keep it going!
I figured that was just placeholder stuff. This is gonna be really exciting.
Michael Bay You should open up exactly for which category you needed suggestions, maybe a form or doc people can add stuff, this way the names, adjectives, ideas, ect… grow exponentially.
Really neat. Looking forward to seeing it expand.
It’s getting better!
I like it!!
I’m working on it whenever I get a break. Tomorrow should see a lot of development!
This is pretty sweet. Would love to see various settings to make it more appropriate for PbtA games (frex I’m terrible at coming up w/ Monsterhearts names).
Theoretically, you could set the initialization functions to parse a file for names, and then swap the file for different themes. Based on what I’ve seen, looks as though I could easily save this down to a local file and stick in new sets of names.
My plan is to develop separate pages customized for different RPGs. Further down the road, I’ll add the ability for you to add your own elements to a personal list or the global elements list.
There is now a comment system at the bottom of the page. Please feel free to contribute ideas, comments, questions, suggestions and even complaints!
This just makes me want to start up my Bastion hack-together of AW and DW…
How is this going?
It’s going very well, i think. The biggest addition is the random dungeon generator, which utilizes geomorphic tiles and allows you to rotate and replace ones that don’t suit you. I’m working to make it printer friendly now.
The dungeon generator was nice, though on my screen it was covering up the top menu.
What browser/version are you using?
Version 26.0.1410.64
So I used it on Monday during my AW game…One minor quibble, weather is basically impossible to click on mobile (since there’s no hover). The names that came up for settlements didn’t really sit well with me. Other than that was pretty useful.
Tommy Rayburn Me, too. I have changed the page around a bit, which might help. What are you viewing on?
Yanni Cooper I’m open to new names, if you’ve got any suggestions.
LOL. The problem your website is a solution to is being bad at coming up with names. (;
Viewing it on a 27″ screen on a pc.
Well, that’s the goal Yanni Cooper! Tommy Rayburn , if you can, send me a screenshot at so I can see what you’re seeing. It looks fine on my 23″ screens.
Michael Bay it works fine on a phone/tablet except weather is actually 2 buttons in a drop down. If the drop down stayed active when you clicked on weather it’d be fine, but mobile devices have no mouse so the dropdown menu on weather doesn’t work.
Yeah, I’ve been considering several options for menus. I’d like not to have things cluttered up.
Just took a quick look at the DungeonWorld version… here’s a thought make the menu options an L rotated 90 degrees so top and left is covered w/ menu choices. Put clear in the top left. If anything has a drop-down when you click it make the dropdown “stick” until you click again. Maybe also make the drop down selections bigger. It’s fine, and super easy to use on a PC, but if I’m running a session, I’ll probably just have it on my phone, and then pop something up when need be.