Another great night testing the WoD addon for US.

Another great night testing the WoD addon for US.

Another great night testing the WoD addon for US.

John Layton MCed, Steve Moore played a Tainted Lucifuge Hunter who killed a group of witches mercilessly while they tried to save their city, Anton Dominic played a Specter Phantasm who was conniving and I played a Werewolf Iron master who was a cut throat business man modeled after Christian Bale from American Psycho who though Anton Dominic’s Specter was my spirit guide.

11 thoughts on “Another great night testing the WoD addon for US.”

  1. I liked it, T’was awesome. The players were sadists… and after three playtests, I feel sorry for the citizens of Atlanta. They’ve dealt with gang violence, mass murders, arson, live child sacrifices, epic fights that led to the police being called, and a massive drought that after who knows how long still hasn’t been corrected.

  2. The Tainted Lucifuge wasn’t a sadist, just a little quick to action.  His Keep an Eye Out did not raise any red flags, so it was a Go in my book. 

    The one time the Lucifuge decides to follow the Bible, he gets blamed for killing a small coven of witches.  I should have reviewed the corruption portion of the playbook ahead of time before I racked up 3 advances…………..

  3. Andrew Medeiros sadly, I did not review the Corruption note on the Tainted until after the coven of 13 witches fell to my gang of demon-spawn Hunters.  Note, I did try and stop the bloodshed after the first 8 went down in a surprise demonic assault, but they were understandably upset and took the worse outcome on the Powerful Presence move.


  4. hahahah nice. How did the Tainted Corruption catch cause this as opposed to any of the others? Murdering people is universal Corruption in the archetypes.

  5. Which raises a question.  How are you supposed to run a Hunter if your targets happen to be evil mortals? (I learned that mine were not, regardless, the question stands)

  6. You run a Hunter who eventually falls to the dark side, that’s how. If you’re going around murdering people, no matter how “evil” they may be, your own humanity is toast.

  7. I mentioned to Tommy that it was my Sabbat Vampire background showing through much too clearly. Urban Shadows is not the place for that kind of mentality if you wish to keep the character.

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